Only demand plans that have been activated and for which the demand plan type is 1 (Normal forecast), 5 (Additional forecast) and 6 (Item based) can be rolled.
Active demand plans should be rolled periodically. When a demand plan is rolled, the system displays the next set of periods. For example, if the system displayed the periods 1-6 before the roll, it will display periods 2-7 when the roll has been confirmed.
When the demand plan has been rolled, you can analyse and maintain the last period. The status of the demand plan is changed to 3 (work in progress). You will therefore have to activate the plan again when any necessary changes have been made.
Note: You might have to go through most of the process steps each time a demand plan has been rolled, i.e. delegating, maintaining and rebuilding the plan.
- Select the Work with demand plans (DP) menu item.
- On the initial panel, select the demand plan that you want to roll and click More options then Roll plan.
- You access Work with demand plan, Roll plan. Click OK to confirm. Exit the routine.
Related topics
- About demand planning
- Demand plan process
- Create a demand plan
- Create imports for demand plan
- Import data to be used in a demand plan
- Change the demand plan status
- Narrow down the demand plan selection
- Update the demand plan
- Create details for the demand plan
- Delegate the demand plan
- Maintain the forecast figures for a demand plan
- Rebuild the demand plan
- Update BIW (Business Information Warehouse) with information from demand plan
- Work with share of total for a demand plan
- Create a work file for a planner’s collection view
- Work with a planner’s collection view