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Roll the demand plan

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Only demand plans that have been activated and for which the demand plan type is 1 (Normal forecast), 5 (Additional forecast) and 6 (Item based) can be rolled.

Active demand plans should be rolled periodically. When a demand plan is rolled, the system displays the next set of periods. For example, if the system displayed the periods 1-6 before the roll, it will display periods 2-7 when the roll has been confirmed.

When the demand plan has been rolled, you can analyse and maintain the last period. The status of the demand plan is changed to 3 (work in progress). You will therefore have to activate the plan again when any necessary changes have been made.

Note: You might have to go through most of the process steps each time a demand plan has been rolled, i.e. delegating, maintaining and rebuilding the plan.

  1. Select the Work with demand plans (DP) menu item.
  2. On the initial panel, select the demand plan that you want to roll and click More options then Roll plan.
  3. You access Work with demand plan, Roll plan. Click OK to confirm. Exit the routine.

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