The following types of invoices are supported:
- normal
- merged (this is not allowed for customers that are flagged for Split invoicing. See About the invoice split functionality). Invoices can be merged into one invoice at invoicing; or merged into one invoice at invoicing with a summary page printed as the last page of the merged invoice outlining a summary of each order.
- periodical
You have two options from which to choose when printing invoices. You can print them:
- in Batch via a menu item, after you confirm the pick list or print the transport note (if the sales order type indicates the printing of Transport note).
- Directly, which means they are automatically printed after:
- Sales order entry (if no pick list is to be printed), or
- Pick list confirmation (if no transport note is to be printed), or
- Transport note printout (if the transport note is to be printed)
This is determined by the sales order type of the sales order (the Batch print field or Direct print field must be set to YES for Invoice).
Note: Only normal invoices can be printed directly.
Note: You can only print the invoice once for each sales order line. You can print an invoice copy via the Invoice enquiry program.
You can also standardize how you want some of the information to be printed on the printout. This is done via the Print control functionality. See Standardize the layout/information on the printout for more information.
Enquiries and printouts
- Sales order enquiry
- Invoice enquiry
- Printed invoice