Enter a payment and settle it with a document identified by its type and number when “Init from existing” is YES

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The following describes how to enter an A/R payment and settle it with a document identified by its document type and number. You will settle the payment directly using settlement option *DOC_TYPNO when Init from existing is YES for the active payment template.

Init from existing
The Init from existing flag indicates if some of the values needed for a new payment (such as e.g. Debtor no, Cost centre, and Transaction currency) should be retrieved from an already existing document. If you set it to YES and if settlement option *DOC_TYPNO is defined for the template, then the panel flow applied for A/R payment registration is the following:

First the Standard settlement info entry panel is displayed and then the A/R payment panel.

Create a new template or modify the SYSTEM template, set Init from existing to YES. Save *DOC_TYPNO as a constant value for the Settlement option field.

Alternatively, you can enter the initialization code LT for the Settlement option field and make sure that the last payment you entered used settlement option *DOC_TYPNO for payment settlement.

  1. Follow steps 1-4 in Enter a payment and settle it manually.
  2. You access Standard settlement info entry. Complete the following fields:
  3. Doc type to settle
    Doc no to settle
    Enter the document type and number to identify the document (invoice) to be settled. If a document is found, then the payment data is retrieved from this document and is shown on the A/R payment panel.

    Note: Since a payment is not yet registered, the header information consisting of payment document type and number is blank. Click OK.

  4. You access the A/R payment panel. Note: If any information or a warning message related to the settlement should be shown, then Standard settlement info entry is displayed to present the related settlement data. Click OK to accept and settle the payment with the document (invoice), or click Back to change the payment information.
  5. If the payment and its settlement is successfully created, then you re-access Standard settlement info entry ready for the next payment transaction to be entered. Enter the document type and number of another document (invoice) to be settled or, if you have completed the payments registration, click Back until you reach Work with open batches. Select the batch you just created and click Update.
  6. You access Work with batches, Update. Click OK to close the batch and create the journal. Exit the routine.

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