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  11. Re-schedule manufacturing orders during...

Re-schedule manufacturing orders during pull planning

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The re-schedule analysis displays proposals suggesting that you re-schedule the manufacturing order either backwards or forwards.

Re-schedule backwards

If the quantity on hand is below the safety stock, the analysis proposes that you re-schedule the manufacturing order backwards. This means that the planned delivery date is changed to an earlier date.


Re-schedule forwards

If there is a surplus the analysis proposes that you re-schedule the order forwards. This means that the manufacturing order is deleted.


  1. Select the Work with pull-planning menu item.
  2. You access Work with pull-planning, Order proposals. Select the analysis proposal that you want to work with and click Work w proposal.
  3. You access Work with analysis proposal. Complete the following field:
  4. Type of proposal
    Indicate the type of proposal to be maintained by ticking one of the following: Order proposal or Re-schedule proposal. For this task, tick Re-schedule proposal.

    Click OK.

  5. You access Work with re-schedule analysis. (Tip: The Tp column displays a code indicating how the order should be re-scheduled. Permitted values: 1 (Backward) and 2 (Forward).) Select the item for which you want to view open orders and click Open orders.
  6. You access Work with re-schedule analysis, Open orders. Select the order you want to re-schedule and click Order maintenance.
  7. You access Manufacturing order maintenance, Header. You will have to manually change the date according to the action that was recommended by the system (forward or backward re-scheduling). Complete the following field:
  8. Planned compl. date
    Enter a date indicating the new completion date of the manufacturing order.

    Click OK to update. Exit the routine.

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