The following fields exist in SROIBT:
Field | Length | Description |
IESTAT | 1 | Status (Text in file: Status) Not allowed. This is a work field. |
IEDIM1 | 20 | Account part 1 (Text in file: Account part 1) |
IEDIM2 | 20 | Account part 2 (Text in file: Account part 2) |
IEDIM3 | 20 | Account part 3 (Text in file: Account part 3) |
IEDIM4 | 20 | Account part 4 (Text in file: Account part 4) |
IEDIM5 | 20 | Account part 5 (Text in file: Account part 5) |
IEDIM6 | 20 | Account part 6 (Text in file: Account part 6) |
IEDIM7 | 20 | Account part 7 (Text in file: Account part 7) |
IEDIM8 | 20 | Account part 8 (Text in file: Account part 8) Mandatory. Validated against the Account file. |
IEDOTY | 3 | Document type (Text in file: Document type) Optional. If blank, will be defaulted with the document type related to system document type GLB for a pure G/L posting. For a posting related to an A/R or A/P document, will be defaulted with the document type of the document. |
IEIDNO | 12,00 | Document number (Text in file: Document number) Optional. If zero, will be defaulted via the document number handling for the document type related to system document type GLB for a pure G/L posting. For a posting related to an A/R or A/P document it will be defaulted with the document number of the document. |
IEVAHC | 4 | VAT handling code (Text in file: VAT handling code) Mandatory for a VAT transaction. If the transaction is connected to an A/R or A/P transaction (i.e. an invoice or credit note), and if EU reporting is set to YES in Work with companies, a check is also performed to ensure the code is valid according to the VAT code combination check table (i.e. the VAT handling code table versus Import/Export code from the A/R or A/P transaction). Note: If no entries exist in this table then any combinations are valid. |
IEBDAT | 8,00 | Document date (Text in file: Transaction date) Mandatory. Format CCYYMMDD (Century/Year/Month/Day). |
IEKVAN | 13,03 | Quantity (Text in file: Quantity) Optional. |
IEBELX | 17,03 | System amount (Text in file: Amount) Mandatory. |
IEAMTR | 17,03 | Transaction amount (Text in file: Amount transaction currency) Mandatory if the transaction currency is different from the system currency. If zero, will be defaulted with the system amount. |
IEVATA | 17,03 | Reference amount in system currency (Text in file: Reference amount, system currency) Mandatory if needed in the VAT reporting. It is the reference amount in system currency according to the VAT handling code used. |
IETCUR | 4 | Transaction currency (Text in file: Transaction currency) Mandatory if the posting belongs to a related A/R or A/P document. If the main account in the account combination is a dedicated currency account, only the defined currency is valid. If blank, the system will default that currency code. Else the system will default the system currency code. |
IETEXT | 30 | Text (Text in file: Description) Optional. If the posting belongs to a related A/R or A/P document, the default text will be the short name and the document type and number. |
IEACYE | 4,00 | Accounting year (Text in file: Accounting year) Not allowed. The accounting year will be completed by the system from the accounting period of the posting. |
IEPERI | 6,00 | Accounting period (Text in file: Accounting period) Mandatory. Format CCYYPP (Century/Year/Period). The period must be an open period within the permitted limits, as defined in the G/L control file. If postings from more than one accounting year are transferred at the same time, one journal per year will be created. The accounting period can be overridden when the actual transfer is done. |
IEINID | 4 | Interface type (Text in file: Routine id) Mandatory. The type is used to select the posting when the interface type is transferred to DC1 Financials. |
IEENCO | 1 | Entry code (Text in file: Entry code) Mandatory.
V = VAT posting C = control account posting X = all other postings |
IEREFX | 15,00 | Reference number (Text in file: Reference number) Mandatory if the posting belongs to an A/R or A/P document. Reference numbers must be unique per document. |
IEQTCO | 4 | Quantity code (Text in file: Quantity code) Optional. If the main account in the account combination is a dedicated quantity account, only the defined quantity code is valid. If blank, the system will default that quantity code. |
IEREPE | 6,00 | Translation period (Text in file: Translation period) Optional. It is the period that will be used at consolidation for finding the historic rate to use when converting between currencies. |
IETAXR | 17,03 | Reference amount in VAT reporting currency (Text in file: Reference amount, VAT reporting currency) Mandatory if needed in the VAT reporting. It is the reference amount in the VAT reporting currency according to the VAT handling code used. |
IEVATL | 1,00 | VAT line number (Text in file: VAT line number) Optional. |
IEVATR | 17,03 | Reference amount in transaction currency (Text in file: Reference amount, transaction currency) Mandatory if needed in the VAT reporting. It is the reference amount in transaction currency according to the VAT handling code used. |
IEAMRP | 17,03 | Amount in VAT reporting currency (Text in file: Amount, VAT reporting currency) Mandatory if needed in the VAT reporting. It is the amount in VAT reporting currency according to the VAT handling code used. |
IEVADT | 8,00 | Value date (Text in file: Value date) Not allowed. Not supported in the current release. |
IEPRJI | 15 | Project (Text in file: Project id) Not allowed. Not supported in the current release. |
IEUSER | 10 | Creation user (Text in file: User id) Optional. If blank, will be defaulted from the user who submitted the transfer. |
IECDAT | 8,00 | Creation date (Text in file: Creation date) Optional. If zero, will be defaulted from the date of the transfer. |
IECRTI | 6,00 | Creation time (Text in file: Creation time) Optional. If zero, will be defaulted from the time of the transfer. |
IECFTP | 1 | Cash flow type (Text in file: Cash flow type) Not allowed. Country specific field, Portugal. |
IEUNM1 | 11 | User defined number 1. (Text in file: User defined number 1). |
IEOCOM | Originating company. Not allowed. This field is only used in the Company consolidation routine. |