This is necessary if an alternative hierarchy exists for the demand plan.
The changes that have been made in the alternative hierarchy are not automatically updated in the base demand plan. When the alternative hierarchy has been created and maintained, you have to rebuild the base demand plan in order to synchronise the information.
When a demand plan has been either re-created or refreshed, the rebuild function must always be executed if alternative hierarchies exist. This is also necessary when a plan is rolled to ensure that the period changes are performed in all alternative plans as well.
- Select the Work with demand plans (DP) menu item.
- On the initial panel, select the demand plan that you want to rebuild and click Rebuild.
- You access Work with demand plan, Rebuild. Click OK to confirm. Exit the routine.
Related topics
- About demand planning
- Demand plan process
- Create a demand plan
- Create imports for demand plan
- Import data to be used in a demand plan
- Change the demand plan status
- Narrow down the demand plan selection
- Update the demand plan
- Create details for the demand plan
- Delegate the demand plan
- Maintain the forecast figures for a demand plan
- Roll the demand plan
- Update BIW (Business Information Warehouse) with information from demand plan
- Work with share of total for a demand plan
- Create a work file for a planner’s collection view
- Work with a planner’s collection view
- About demand plan hierarchies