When demand plans are transferred to DC1 Business Information Warehouse (BIW), any alternative plans for which Transfer to BIW is set to YES are also transferred. The following information is created during the update:
- A new budget number will be automatically created for each demand plan/alternative plan with the selected keys according to the demand plan/alternative plan.
- For a demand plan of type promotion, the promotion ID will also be defined as a selected key.
- The budget will be created for balances types Sales net value and Sales quantity. Depending on the forecasting unit in the demand plan, budget for one of the balance types Sales cost value, Sales net weight, Sales gross weight, Sales net volume and Sales gross volume will also be created. Note: For an alternative plan, only the balance type that corresponds to the forecasting unit is created.
For a demand plan of type normal forecast, update BIW can be performed multiple times. This will provide means to save historic demand plan data in BIW before performing the roll plan function. Note: If the demand plan period type is week, it is important that you only run the update to BIW once every month since the period in BIW is month.
Note: DC1 Business Information Warehouse cannot be updated for sub-plans.
- Select the Work with demand plans (DP) menu item.
- On the initial panel, select the applicable demand plan and click More options then Update BIW.
- You access Work with demand plan, Update BIW. Click OK to confirm that the BIW should updated with information from the demand plan. Exit the routine.
Related topics
- About demand planning
- Demand plan process
- Create a demand plan
- Create imports for demand plan
- Import data to be used in a demand plan
- Change the demand plan status
- Narrow down the demand plan selection
- Update the demand plan
- Create details for the demand plan
- Delegate the demand plan
- Maintain the forecast figures for a demand plan
- Rebuild the demand plan
- Roll the demand plan
- Work with share of total for a demand plan
- Create a work file for a planner’s collection view
- Work with a planner’s collection view