The DC1 Customer/Supplier Rebates (RBT) application provides the functionality that allows your company to set-up customer and supplier rebate agreements, which will produce the possibility to pay rebates to your customers based on the sales, and claim rebates from your suppliers based on the purchase.
The application holds the functionality for:
- Setting up customer and supplier rebate agreements, using e.g.,
- Flexible set-up possibilities using the DIS control keys
- Agreement date range
- Rebate receiver (customer that will receive rebate payments) or Rebate payer (supplier that will receive the rebate claim)
- Different rebate calculation types
- Different target and rates
- Forecast calculation, or manual forecast, giving accrual rate
- Customer rebate calculation will, based on invoice lines, create rebate transactions for the customer rebate agreements with matching keys. These rebate transactions will hold a rebate amount based on the accrual rate. The supplier rebate calculation will do the same for received goods transactions, matching the supplier rebate agreements.
- Paying rebates back to a customer is done via a rebate payment. An optional number of rebate transactions are selected and the sum of the rebate amounts from these transactions gives the total rebate amount for the rebate payment. The corresponding functionality for claiming rebates from the suppliers is done via creation of a rebate claim.
- Visibility of all connected rebate transactions.
- Enhanced Report Writer capability to strengthen follow-up potential