Item assortments can be retrieved when entering sales and purchase orders. An item assortment is a number of items that you group together under a code combination of Assortment group/Assortment ID.
You would set up an assortment if you have one or several items that you sell or purchase on a regular basis. These are usually items that you sell or buy in combination with each other (e.g., radios, batteries, adapters, adapter cables). You thereby simplify the entry of a sales/purchase order by retrieving the entire assortment, instead of entering the item lines one by one.
When setting up item assortments you have the option to:
- connect the item assortment to one customer/supplier or all customers/suppliers in the Assortment file
- not connect the item assortment to any customer/supplier. This type of assortment is called a Global assortment, meaning it can be used for all customers/suppliers.
Get the right assortment
When you want to retrieve an item assortment while working with sales orders or purchase orders, you can access the Assortment panel in two ways:
- It could prompt immediately after entering information on the initial Work with sales orders/purchase orders panel if an assortment group and ID exists for the customer/supplier in the Business partner file. The search for the assortment group/ID works as follows:
- The system first searches for a specific assortment group/ID assigned to this customer or supplier. If not found,
- The system searches for a global assortment group/ID (meaning no assigned customer or supplier).
- If you enter an Assortment ID on the item line (the Add lines panel) the Assortment panel will prompt, with the search for the assortment group/ID working as follows:
- The system first searches for this Assortment ID assigned to this customer or supplier in the Work with assortments file and retrieves the first group. If not found,
- The system searches for a global assortment ID in the Work with assortments file (meaning no assigned customer or supplier) and retrieves the first group.
Note: When wanting to retrieve an item assortment in a sales order, you must know and enter the exact Assortment ID code on the Work with sales orders, Order lines panel. If you do not then the system will not prompt the Smart sales order entry, Assort panel. When you prompt the Item/Assortment field (by pressing F4) you will not be able to search for the assortment from the Select item panel.
- Assortment group table enquiry
- Assortment file enquiry
- Business partner file: the Assortment group and Assortment ID field on the Customer file/Supplier file panels