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Work with comments (AACD18201)

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On this panel you enter the comments for the asset on the selected level or for the selected technical form. You can both enter new, insert and overwrite information and you maintain the text per line. Note that when you click OK, the comment entry is updated, and you return to the selection panel.

Asset number
Only shown if you are entering asset comments. It is the asset number, including sequence and description, for which comments are being entered.
Only shown if you are entering technical comments. It is the technical form for which comments are being entered.
Only shown if you are entering technical comments. It is the name of the document for the technical comments, if connected to a document in the Word Processing in OS/400.
Only shown if you are entering technical comments. It is the label of the document for the technical comments, if connected to a document in the Word Processing in OS/400.

Enter and edit your comments on the selected level. You can both enter new, insert and overwrite existing information, but insertion of text in existing text blocks will only function on the very line you are editing. Click OK when you are finished to return to the selection panel.