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Work with A/R – A/P analysis reports, Detail level (FSR57001)

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This panel displays your report on detail level and you can reach this panel from all levels if you have set Details to YES on the specifications panel.

In the top part of the panel you will see either the Grand total, A/R total or A/P total or one of the sub-total levels. The total is the sum of the viewed lines, Details, at the bottom part of the panel.


Select Select this option to view the document in the A/P or A/R transactions and balance enquiry program.
Text Select this option to view/work with document text.
A/R note Select this option to view or work with A/R notes for a customer. A/R notes are added to the customer’s account and could be, e.g., verbal agreements that you have made with the customer.

Function keys

Header Change the header information. This function key will display your selected sequence levels and show the selected sequences in number order.

Selection fields

In the top part of the panel the following fields are shown:

The amount shown depends on the previous total/sub-total level.

In the bottom part of the panel the following fields are shown:

Debtor/supplier no
Displays the debtor/supplier number of the selected transaction.
Displays the document type of the selected document.
Document no
Displays the document number of the selected document.
Inv/Doc date

The following ageing date codes are valid:

  • For ageing date 1 the field displays the document date of the selected document.
  • For ageing date 3 and A/R documents, the field displays the document date of the selected document.
  • For ageing date 3 and A/P documents, the field displays the supplier invoice date or if this is left blank the document date.

Note: For ageing date 1 the field will always be named Doc date. For ageing date 3 and an A/R document the field header will be named Doc date and for an A/P document Inv/doc date.

Disc/Due date

The following ageing date codes are valid:

  • For ageing date 2 the field displays the due date of the selected document.
  • For ageing date 4 the field displays cash discount date 1 or if this is left blank the due date.
  • For ageing date 5 the field displays cash discount date 1 of the selected document.

Note: If ageing date 4 has been entered in Ageing date on the specifications panel, then this field will be named Disc/Due date, otherwise Due date irrespective of if this is an A/R or A/P document. For ageing date 2 the field will always be named Due date. For ageing date 5 the field will be named Cashdisc date.

The amount shown depends on the previous total/sub-total level.

This column displays the text of the document.
This column is set to YES if there is complementary text connected to the document via the Text editor.
Business partner name
This column displays the name of the business partner.
Internal name
This column displays the debtor’s internal name.
Address line 1
This column displays the information from address line 1.
Address line 2
This column displays the information from address line 2.
Address line 3
This column displays the information from address line 3.
Address line 4
This column displays the information from address line 4.
Postal code
This column displays the postal code of the address.
Company registration no
This column displays the company registration number of the business partner.
VAT registration no
This column can only be displayed if the EU reporting function is activated. Displays a VAT registration number if it exists for this business partner at this address.
Category 1
This column displays the category 1 code for the business partner.
Category 2
This column displays the category 2 code for the business partner.
Category 3
This column displays the category 3 code for the business partner.
Category 4
This column displays the category 4 code for the business partner.
Category 5
This column displays the category 5 code for the business partner.
Category 6
This column displays the category 6 code for the business partner.
This column displays the area code for the business partner.
This column displays the country code from the A/R transaction file or A/P transaction file (depending on the record selected to view the details).
Main salesman/handler
This column displays the code for the salesman/handler responsible for the business partner for A/R transactions.