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Work with master BOR, Bill of routing (BAS061C)

The purpose of this program is to maintain the operation’s sub contract information attached to the master BOR.

BOR id
The code that identifies the Master BOR, and the description.
Structure quantity
In add mode, this field is defaulted with 1. If the Master BOR has already been used in the structure header, this field is output only.

Enter/change the structure quantity. This quantity indicates the relationship between the structure quantity and the component quantities/operation times.

The structure quantity can be used to adjust the operation times in order to avoid short times in the bill of routing.

If the structure quantity is changed, meaning that the component quantity is also changed, then the run, labour and machine time must be adjusted accordingly.

Structure unit
The structure unit of the item. See Structure unit handling for more information.
Operation number
The operation number that is registered in intervals of 10 indicates the order in which the operations are displayed.
The description of the operation.
Work centre
The work centre where the operation is to be performed.
The supplier that is used in the sub-contract handling.
Subc price
The sub-contract price. If the price is stated it will be used for costing in product costing, manufacturing order costing. It is also used when the purchase order is created from the manufacturing order sub-contract maintenance function.
Subc set-up price
If set-up price is stated and the operation is coded as a sub-contract operation, the set-up price will be used in the product costing in Manufacturing order costing. It is also used when the purchase order is created from the manufacturing order sub-contract maintenance function.
VAT based
Indicates if this is a VAT based item. This code is defaulted to the purchase order line, where it can be changed.
VAT included
Indicates if VAT is included in the purchase price of the item. This code is defaulted to the purchase order line, where it can be changed.
Include VAT % code
This field is only displayed for purchase orders and displays the VAT handling code for the VAT percentage, if any, which is included in the purchase price.
If VAT included is set to NO, this field must be left blank. If VAT included is set to YES, enter a valid code from the VAT handling code table.
QC always
Indicates if a quality control always should be performed during manufacturing operation reporting. Note: If this field is set to NO and quality control interval is defined in one of the quality definition fields below, then the quality control will be performed according to the specified interval.
QC interval days
The number of days that must pass before the next quality control is performed. The new date is retrieved from the manufacturing calendar in the MFG control file.
QC interval time
The number of reported hours that must pass before the next quality control is performed. The quality control first checks the machine time, and if no machine time is entered the run/labour time is used.
QC interval rep
The number of reported operations that must be handled before the next quality control is performed.
QC interval qty
The quantity in stock unit that must be reported before the next quality control is performed.