The purpose of this panel is to maintain an operation for a manufacturing order.
Function keys
Minutes/Decimals | Toggle between hours and minutes and hours and decimals for the operation times. |
- Item
- Warehouse
- Status
- The code indicates the status of the manufacturing order.
- Variant
- Order number
- Plan start
- Plan compl
- Operation number
- Work centre
- Description
Note: If no description is entered, the work centre description will be retrieved.
- Group order
- The group order number to which the operation is linked.
- Run and labour
- The run and labour time in hours for the operation, i.e. the planned time to be spent on the operation. If workload planning type in the Work centre file is set to type 1, run/labour time together with internal set-up time will be the base to calculate the workload for the work centre. The workload is actually calculated both for run and labour and machine time. You can enquire about both run and labour and machine time in the enquiry function for workload.
- Set-up int
- Machine time
- The machine time in hours for the operation, i.e. the planned time to be spent on the operation. If workload planning type in the Work centre file is set to type 2, machine time together with internal set-up time will be the base to calculate the workload for the work centre. The workload is actually calculated both for run and labour and machine time. You can enquire about both run and labour and machine time in the enquiry function for workload.
- Set-up ext
- Planned start
- The planned start date. This is calculated by the system with help from the operation times on the operation list using the completion date or start date as its starting point. If this field is left blank, the order must be rescheduled. It also displays the time when the operation is planned to be started. Note: The start time textbox is only displayed if the MPL-TIME (Plan operation by date/time) function is activated in the Function control file.
- Planned completion
- The planned completion date. This is calculated by the system with help from the operation times on the operation list using the completion date or start date as its starting point. If this field is left blank, the order must be rescheduled. It also displays the time when the operation is planned to be completed. Note: The completion time textbox is only displayed if the MPL-TIME (Plan operation by date/time) function is activated in the Function control file.
- Tool 1 – 2
If more than two tools are needed, use option to maintain tools from the bill of routing overview.
- No of resources
- The number of resources per job to be used for this operation. Note: This field overrides the number of resources that is entered in the Work centre file. This information is used to calculate the time per day that a manufacturing order operation can be planned. If the Workl planning type field is set to 1 (Run/labour) in the Work centre file, enter resources up to the value entered in the Man factor field but not higher. If the Workl planning type field is set to 2 (Machine) in the Work centre file, enter resources up to the value entered in the Number of machines field but not higher.
- Reporting calc
- This field is used to calculate run/labour, machine or approved quantity at manufacturing order operation reporting. The code indicates the type of calculation to be used for this operation.
Code Description 1 No suggestion calculated 2 Time will be calculated 3 Approved quantity will be calculated
- Sub-contract
- This field is only displayed if the DC1 Manufacturing sub-contractor functionality is activated in Work with companies. Indicates if sub-contract operations should be selected for creation of purchase order.
- Reporting operation
- Indicates if time reporting should be made for this operation. If this field is set to NO, the operation times will be backflushed when the next operation is reported. This means that by setting reporting points at certain operations the system will backflush the reporting for all operation from present operation to the previous reporting operation (milestone).
- Technology code
- The production technology code can be used as a base operation detail planning for manufacturing orders to set the base run priority.
- Force QC at oper rep
- This field is only displayed if the (MQC-OPER) Manufacturing quality control at oper reporting function is activated in the Function control file. Indicates if quality control reporting should be mandatory for this manufacturing order operation. If the QC always field is set to YES on operation level in the item structure, this field will be defaulted with YES. Note: The value entered in this field overrides the quality control definition on item structure level. This means that a quality control might take place for this order even though a specific interval is specified in the item structure.
- Overlapping type
- The code indicates if the overlapping to the next operation should be based on 1 (quantity) or 2 (percentage of workload time). This type is, in combination with the overlapping value, used to calculate operation planning dates overlapped in the following functions: Manufacturing order, MRP and Capacity clearance.
- Overlapping
- The overlapping value (quantity or percentage) that is used to define the overlapping to the next operation. Mandatory entry in combination with overlapping type.
- Queue time
- The queue time indicates the time that is used before the current operation is started. If queue time is entered this is an override value from work centre.
- Transport time
- The transport time indicates the time that is used after the completion of the current operation. If transport time is entered this is an override value from work centre.