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Note: This panel may be displayed in either Maintenance or Enquiry mode. In Enquiry mode, you are only able to view the information and only certain options are available. The panel heading differs accordingly.
This panel displays an overview of the line(s) included in the selected invoice or sundry invoice template. You can add new lines, maintain, or view existing lines.
If EU reporting is activated for the customer, then you are able to work with/view EU statistics for the invoice from this program. Select either of the Add, Change or Display options and click OK on the Work with sundry invoices, Line details panel to access the EU statistics maintenance program in the applicable mode.
More information can be made available on the panel via the DC1 UI Client Edit columns feature. This feature also allows you to customize the panel to only show the information you want.
- Line
- This column lists the line number(s) of the selected invoice or sundry invoice template.
- Invoice code
- This column displays the sundry invoice code, if defined for the line.
- Quantity
- This column displays the quantity, if defined for the line.
- Qt c
- This column displays a code indicating the unit of measure, if a quantity is defined for the line.
- Price
- This column displays the price, if defined for the line.
- Amount
- This column displays the line amount excluding VAT in transaction currency.
- Vahc
- This column displays the VAT handling code defined for the line.
- Text
- This column indicates if invoice text exists for the line. If YES, then the text was either entered manually on line level or retrieved from the sundry invoice code definition, if a code was entered.
- Account parts 1-8
- These columns display the account combination to which the transaction is to be posted.
Work with sundry invoices, Line details (SIPD11104)
Note: This panel can be accessed in either maintenance, display or enquiry mode. In both display and enquiry modes, you are only able to view the information. In enquiry mode, the panel heading differs accordingly.
On this panel you add, copy, maintain, or view the line details of the selected invoice or sundry invoice template. If EU reporting is activated for the customer, then click OK on this panel to access the EU statistics maintenance program.
Function keys
- Line
- The next available line number is automatically retrieved, but can be changed. For existing lines, this field cannot be changed, unless you are in copy mode.
- Dispatch date
- Optional entry. Enter the date when the goods of this invoice was dispatched.
- Invoice code
- Optional entry. Enter a code from Work with sundry invoice codes to retrieve the default values defined for the code which should apply to this particular line.
- Text
- Mandatory entry. Enter text for the line to be printed on the invoice. If a sundry invoice code was defined above, and text is entered for that code, then the text is retrieved according to the sundry invoice code definition. The field can be changed.
- Amount
- Mandatory if Price is left blank. Enter the line amount.
- VAT handling code
- Mandatory entry. Enter a code from Work with VAT handling codes. If a sundry invoice code defined with a VAT handling code was entered above, then that VAT handling code is defaulted, but can be changed.
- Quantity/code
- Two input fields apply:
Field Description Quantity Mandatory entry, if Price is completed. Enter the quantity for the transaction, if any. Note: A warning message will be displayed if a quantity code is set up for a main account in the Account file and no quantity is entered in Quantity, or if both Quantity and Qt c are left blank.
Code Optional entry. Note: If a quantity code is set up for a main account in the Account file, then note the following:
- The quantity code entered in this field must match the code that is defined in the Account file.
- A warning message will be displayed if no quantity is entered in Quantity, or if both Quantity and Qt c are left blank.
- Price
- Mandatory entry if Amount is blank and if a quantity is entered in Quantity/code. Enter the line price. If a sundry invoice code defined with a price was entered above, then that price is defaulted, but can be changed.
- Account parts 1-8
- Mandatory entry. Enter the account combination to which the transaction is to be posted. The system checks that the accounts you state exist in the Account file, that they are active, and that entries are allowed. The system also checks the combination code for the main account part.
Any optional account parts that you do not complete with an account number will be completed with asterisks. You can also enter a pseudo account in the main account part field. The remaining account fields must then not be completed.
If a sundry invoice code is entered for this line, then the default account parts from the code definition is defaulted.
Work with sundry invoices, Deletion (SIPD11105)
This panel displays all the records that you selected to delete. Click OK to delete. Click Back to cancel.