Running the primary currency conversion for suppliers

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Running the primary currency conversion is an iterative process to be run at your convenience when the main currency of your supplier changes.

All applicable fields in the DC1 Financials and DC1 Distribution databases, held in primary currency, on transaction level as well as balance level, will be recalculated using the fixed exchange rate you enter when you run this routine. In those instances where it is possible to recreate the balances from details, this will be done to ensure a more precise and accurate result, rather than converting the balance. The field, in the Business partner file, that defines the primary currency code for a supplier will be automatically replaced with the new currency code when the conversion has completed. This means that the new currency will be defaulted at invoice entry.

Note: All files and programs that are used in this conversion routine, can be found in the SCOCNP and SCOCNF files.

The conversion of the supplier’s primary currency amounts can be carried out in the following ways:

  • By selecting a single or a maximum of 10 suppliers.
  • By selecting a primary currency where all suppliers with the same primary currency will be converted.

Note: The rounding differences in primary currency will not be adjusted at conversion. Even though a document has been fully settled in transaction and system currency it can show a remaining amount in primary currency due to rounding difference at conversion.

The primary currency conversion consists of the following steps:

  1. Installing and activating the Currency conversion tool. This is a one time only operation to be completed by a DC1 consultant, or the System Administrator at your company. See About running the system currency conversion.
  2. Closing all routines that may not be active during the primary currency conversion. This is an iterative process which has to be completed manually before the conversion can begin.
  3. Running the conversion for all files. This is an iterative process completed automatically by the conversion routine.
  4. Running applicable fix programs e.g. recreate balances from transactions. This is an iterative process partly completed automatically by the conversion routine, and partly completed through manual routines.

Caution: No one should be working in the system when the conversion is running.

Tip: It is possible to clean up a database with mixed primary currency values for a supplier by using the Currency conversion tool. This will be necessary when, for example, the Primary currency field was changed manually in the Business partner file for a certain supplier, without running the currency conversion for suppliers afterwards. Do as follows before running the conversion:

  1. Manually change back the primary currency for the debtor in the Business partner file to the original primary currency.
  2. When you enter the selection values for the run of the conversion (see Run the primary currency conversion for suppliers) you need to enter the original primary currency, from the Business partner file, in the Old primary currency field. Then, you need to enter the specific supplier number, and in the New primary currency field, you enter the primary currency that had been changed manually in the Business partner file. In this case, only transactions entered in the Old primary currency field will be converted.

All prices in DC1 Distribution that have a zero value after the conversion will be saved in new files. You can run queries to analyse these files:

File Description
SCOZPO Zero purchase order prices
SCOZPP Zero purchase price

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