Setting up the call plan functionality

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This document outlines the instructions for setting up the call plan functionality, allowing you to schedule/generate customer contact lists.

What this document contains:

Setting up basic data

File/Table To do
Contact period This table comes preloaded in DC1 with the following periods:

  • Daily
  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Yearly

Per period, you can decide if the period should be relocated to the previous period or next period during the call plan generation.

Work with client types Define the mediums used to contact the customer.
Work with call status codes Define the call status codes that are used in the call plan control file and in the generated call plan.
Maintain call plan control file Define the default values for the call plan engine. Set the following default values which will be retrieved to the generated call plan:

    Sts code for open
    Enter the status code that denotes an open status. When the call plan is generated, this code is retrieved to the Work with call plan file for every user responsible for a call plan. The call plans with an open status will be listed first in the default view.
    Sts code for finish
    Enter the status code that denotes a finished status.
    Client type
    Define the type of contact that should be made to the customer. This value can be overridden for a customer by a value in the Work with business partners, Customer file panel.
    Order source
    The field is only displayed if the ORDSRACT (Order source active) function is activated in the Function control file. Enter the code from the Work with order sources file denoting the source from which sales orders for this customer are created.
    Order type
    Enter the sales order type that will be used for sales orders that are created from a call plan.
Work with business partners

Customer file panel

Optional. If you do not want the default client type, defined in the Call plan control file to be applicable for a particular customer, override it per customer.
Work with contact plans Contact plans form the basis of the actual call plan that is generated and consists of a header and detail file. Define the following information:

  • The person responsible for making the contact, i.e. handler (person) or role (i.e. multiple individuals)
  • The frequency of the contact
  • The customer to contact
  • The type of contact (phone, fax, etc)
Work with DC1 user profiles Set the applicable handler that will be responsible for the generated call plans in the Handler field.

Generate the call plan

File/Table To do
Start call plan generation or Job Controls You can generate the call plan via the Start call plan generation menu item or by setting up an auto run via job control if desired.

Reorganise the call plan

File/Table To do
Call plan reorganisation To delete old records in the call plan, enter the creation date. All call plans before the entered date will be deleted.

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