Setting up the same item bonus functionality

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This functionality gives you the possibility to offer a sales incentive in the form of a “same item bonus”, i.e. the customer is not charged for one or more of the same item on a sales order. The functionality is activated via the Bonus flag on the Pricing policies panel in the DIS control file and is valid when pricing your items using sales price lists. When that flag is set to YES, the bonus related information will become visible in the system.

This functionality requires that the following is set up:

File/Table To do
DIS control file Set the Bonus flag to YES on the Pricing policies panel to activate the functionality.
Work with sales order types For the applicable sales order types, set the Bonus conditions flag to YES.
Work with items

Sales prices panel

Set up the bonus conditions for each applicable item and sales price list per currency and unit.

  1. Toggle to the Sales prices panel.
  2. Highlight the applicable sales price list and click the Change option.
  3. Set the Same item bonus flag to YES. Click the Bonus conditions function key.
  4. On the Same item bonus header panel, click the Add option.
  5. Enter the validity period (i.e. From and To date) for which the bonus conditions apply. Click OK and then Back.
  6. Highlight the date interval and click the Details option.
  7. On the Same item bonus details panel, enter the Quantity to deliver and Quantity to invoice.
Work with business partners

Customer file panel

For the applicable customer, toggle to the Customer file panel and set the Order qty to deliver flag to YES or NO denoting if the order quantity must be delivered in full to be able to receive any same item bonus.


  • The customer requires the entire order quantity to be delivered (i.e. set the Order qty to deliver flag to YES). The customer orders 10 pieces. The bonus is calculated based on the ordered quantity (10 pieces). The system will look at the bonus condition details for the valid date interval and calculate the quantity to invoice for the item on the order line if the ordered quantity matches or exceeds the Quantity to deliver (set up in the bonus conditions on the sales price list) for the item. A full delivery must be confirmed to be able to receive any same item bonus; partial delivery is not allowed.
  • The customer does not require the entire order quantity to be delivered (i.e. set the Order qty to deliver flag to NO). The customer orders 10 pieces, but the delivered quantity may be less than the ordered quantity. The system will look at the bonus condition details for the valid date interval and calculate the quantity to invoice for the item on the order line if the ordered quantity matches or exceeds the Quantity to deliver (set up in the bonus conditions on the sales price list) for the item. A partial delivery is allowed.

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