Set up invoice fees

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An invoice fee can be set up in Work with currencies and/or Business partner file maintenance/Customer file in the following way:

Note: Any information entered for the customer in the Customer file will take precedence over that entered in Work with currencies.

  • per currency, based on an order value fee limit, to be applied on every order with this currency if the invoice total is below the limit.
  • per currency with no order value fee limit per currency, to be applied on every order with this currency regardless of invoice total.
  • per customer, based on an order value fee limit, to be applied on every order for this customer if the invoice total is below the limit.
  • per customer, with no order value limit fee limit, to be applied on every order for this customer regardless of invoice total.
  • manually entered on the order regardless of invoice total

The fee will automatically be applied if the Invoice fee field in Work with sales order types and Customer file is set to True.

During order entry a preliminary invoice fee could be displayed on the order header if the above stipulation is true and you entered any fee and/or limit on customer and/or currency level. This is indicated with an asterisk beside the amount and is based on the current order value. This gives you the possibility to more accurately estimate the total order value already at order entry. The user can, however, change the fee at order header or pick list confirmation.

You can also view the preliminary fee on the Order summary panel and Sales order enquiry if the following is true:

  • The user did not manually enter a fee on the order header.
  • The order header status is below 30.
  • The invoice total for the order is lower than any order value fee limit in the Customer file or Work with currencies.
  • The fee has not been applied on any invoice for the order.

The real fee is applied at pick list confirmation or at invoicing (if the order type is without pick list). If the customer generates backorders, the fee is only added to the first invoice.

When merging invoices:

When merging invoices, the highest invoice fee amount among the orders is compared to the fee amount in the Customer file and/or Work with currencies.

Different scenarios apply:

  1. If the highest fee amount is the same as that in the Customer file and/or Work with currencies, the invoice total amount is compared to the fee limit in the Customer file and/or Work with currencies. If the invoice total amount is less than the fee limit in any of those locations, no fee is charged.
  2. If the highest fee amount is different than the fee amount in the Customer file and/or Work with currencies, the highest fee amount is charged.

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