Set up an amount limit with FOC items as discount

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Predefined amount limits can be defined together with the FOC items you want to give.

For example, if your company standard is to give one FOC item for every amount of 1000 USD sold then you would create an amount limit code with the following matrix:

Amount FOC items
1000 USD 1
2000 USD 2
3000 USD 3
4000 USD 4
5000 USD 5

For more information about FOC discounting, see About setting up discounting via FOC items.

To set up an amount limit code with FOC items as discount, do as follows:

  1. Access the Limit codes table.
  2. On the initial panel, click Add.
  3. You access Work with limit codes in add mode. Note: For those fields not described, see Set up a predefined set of amount limits together with their discounts or Panel help. Complete the following fields:
  4. Limit code
    Limit type

    Press enter to update and return to the initial panel.

  5. Highlight the new record and click Details.
  6. On the Work with limit codes, Amount limits panel, click Add and complete the following fields:
  7. Amount limit
    Enter the amount that the customer has to purchase in order to receive the discount.
    Discount %
    Enter the discount percentage applicable for the amount limit.
    FOC items
    Select to add FOC items as discount when the amount limit is met.

    Click OK to update and return to the initial panel.

  8. Highlight the Amount limit and click FOC items.
  9. On the Work with limit codes, FOC item panel, click Add and complete the following fields:
  10. FOC item
    Enter the FOC item to be given as discount.
    FOC unit
    Enter the unit of the FOC item.
    FOC quantity
    Leave this field blank for this task.
    FOC quantity %
    Enter the percentage of quantity to be given as FOC, if the limit is met. Note: You can enter only one type of FOC discount: FOC quantity or FOC quantity %.
    Calculation option
    Leave this field blank for this example.
    This field is only applicable if you defined a FOC quantity %. Enter the panel value code to indicate the way to round the discount amount. The rounding options available are:
    Code Description
    D Round down regardless of any decimal value.
    H Half adjust (i.e. round up or down according to any decimal value). Example: If the discount amount = 100.6 GBP the amount will be rounded up to 101 GBP. If it is 100.4 it will be rounded down to 100 GBP).
    U Round up regardless of any decimal value.

    Click OK to update and exit the program.

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