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Narrow down the demand plan selection

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By narrowing down the values that are included in the selected hierarchy keys, you define what you want to include in the forecast that will be generated later on in the process. Caution: If no selection is made, all values belonging to the selected hierarchy and its key levels will be included. The result might be a demand plan that is too big and too slow to handle.

You can define the selection using the following functions:

  • Define selection parameters on the Work with demand plan, Selection panel. On this panel you can, for example, state specific item codes for an item group that should be included in the DP detail creation.
  • Set Incl zero quantities to NO on the demand plan header so that the system only creates details for key value combinations that contain data. If YES, all combinations will be included.
  • Make sure that the period interval that is defined on the demand plan header is not too long.
  • Specify what items should be available for demand planning using Demand plan (Y/N) in the Item file.
  1. Select the Work with demand plans (DP) menu item.
  2. On the initial panel, select the demand plan that you want to define selection parameters and click Sel parm.
  3. You access Work with demand plan, Selection displaying the item and customer keys that are connected to the demand plan hierarchy. Select the applicable key and click Change.
  4. You access the second Selection panel.
  5. You can narrow down the values that are included in the hierarchy keys by defining specific values for the demand plan detail creation. You can, for example, define a number of specific item codes for an item group. If a selection is made, only the selected values will be included in the demand plan detail creation.

    Depending on what hierarchy type you have selected to view or maintain this panel will display different fields. State either individual or a range of values to include in the selection. You determine the type of selection to use by entering 1 or 2 in the selection type field (the first field of the row).

    For individual selections, enter 1, and then the relevant values in the following fields. For parameters controlled by a table or a file, the system will check that the entered values exist.

    For a range selection, enter 2, and then the first and last value of the range in the two subsequent fields. Do not complete the last fields. The system checks that the ending value is greater than or equal to the starting value. Leave the fields blank, if all values should be included.

    A record is only included if it fulfils all selection criteria. You can use the following parameters for selection:

    • Item
    • Item group
    • Item family
    • Item sector
    • Item planner
    • Item responsible
    • Warehouse
    • Item discount group
    • Item price group
    • Item account group
    • Item category 1-6
    • Volume value code
    • Movability code
    • Supplier
    • Item segment 1-6
    • Customer
    • Customer group
    • Country
    • Area
    • Salesman
    • Customer category 1-6
    • Cost centre
    • Division
    • Customer account grp

    Click OK to confirm the selected values. Exit the routine.

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