If you have changed the selection criteria you might have to update the demand plan to get accurate figures. To do this you can either refresh or re-create the demand plan. Note: When a demand plan has been maintained, the rebuild function must always be executed if alternative hierarchies exist. See Rebuild the demand plan for more information.
Refresh the demand plan
When you refresh the demand plan, no previous information is changed. The system will only retrieve new information if a change in the selection parameter has been made. This might be the case if a new item group has been selected, or if a new item has been added to a previously selected item group. Note: Only demand plans for which details have been created can be refreshed.
- Select the Work with demand plans (DP) menu item.
- On the initial panel, click Refresh.
- You access Work with demand plan, Refresh. Click OK to confirm that the selected demand plan should be refreshed. Exit the routine.
Re-create the demand plan
When you re-create the demand plan all previous information is deleted and new data is retrieved according to the selection parameters. Earlier manual updates of shares or standard sales price are disregarded and will lose effect. When the demand plan is recalculated, new groupings of items and customers are considered, new shares (proportion values) are re-calculated and the forecasting unit value is retrieved. The new standard sales price is also calculated.
- Select the Work with demand plans (DP) menu item.
- On the initial panel, select the demand plan you want to re-create and click Change.
- On the Work with demand plan detail panel, complete the following field:
- Re-create
- Set this field to YES to denote that the demand plan should be re-created.
Click OK. Exit the routine.
Related topics
- About demand planning
- Demand plan process
- Create a demand plan
- Create imports for demand plan
- Import data to be used in a demand plan
- Change the demand plan status
- Narrow down the demand plan selection
- Create details for the demand plan
- Delegate the demand plan
- Maintain the forecast figures for a demand plan
- Rebuild the demand plan
- Roll the demand plan
- Update BIW (Business Information Warehouse) with information from demand plan
- Work with share of total for a demand plan
- Create a work file for a planner’s collection view
- Work with a planner’s collection view