The hierarchies are used to define the different summary levels for a demand plan.
Each hierarchy set can include up to nine hierarchy keys that are retrieved from the DIS control keys table. You can combine both item and customer related hierarchy keys. At least one item related key must be used for a hierarchy.
Each demand plan must be connected to a hierarchy from this table. Once details have been created for the demand plan you can also connect an alternative hierarchy to the demand plan. This is useful if you want to view the forecast figures from another perspective.
See Demand plan process for an overview of the process steps and the order in which these actions should be taken.
Hierarchy keys
You can include up to nine hierarchy keys that are retrieved from the DIS control keys table. You can combine both item and customer related hierarchy keys. At least one item related key must be used for a hierarchy.
Item hierarchy keys
The following item-related keys are available:
- Item
- Item group
- Item family
- Item sector
- Item planner
- Item responsible
- Warehouse
- Item discount group
- Item price group
- Item account group
- Item category 1-6
- Volume value code
- Movability code
- Supplier
- Item segment 1-6
Customer hierarchy keys
The following customer-related keys are available:
- Customer
- Customer group
- Customer account grp
- Country
- Area
- Salesman
- Customer category 1-6
- Cost centre
- Division
Enquiries and printouts
- Demand plan hierarchy enquiry
- Demand plan enquiry
- Demand plan hierarchies printout. This printout holds information about the hierarchy set and the selected keys.