DC1 Demand Plan is used to work with sales forecasts. It allows you to quickly update, delegate and review the forecast figures. Each demand plan is connected to a hierarchy that specifies the sales related keys for which information should be retrieved. When the sales forecast is settled, it can be:
- Used as input to inventory calculations to ensure optimal stock.
- Transferred to the date warehouse, for future sales analysis.
- Used for promotions in quantities.
- Used for stock build for new products or old products on new markets.
Demand planning is very dynamic and can be tailored to each business need:
- The initial figures in a new demand plan can be based on other demand plans, sales statistics, calculated forecasts or direct demand from DC1 Inventory Control.
- Both bottom-up and top-down forecasting are supported; you can forecast and retrieve a base on item level, then aggregate the forecast to see the full forecast per salesman, or determine forecast per salesman, then break it down into item level.
- Several demand plans with different keys can be used at the same time.
- The demand plan can be allocated different status codes during the process; when a demand plan is set to status active it will affect forecast figures in DC1 Inventory Control within its time range.
- Internal review and delegation of demand plans is supported with full security, e.g. several salesmen can update/maintain the same demand plan without seeing each other’s figures.
- Different calculation rules – fixed or flexible – can be used when figures are reviewed or maintained. This control of the change on detailed level can be set to affect the whole demand plan or not, e.g. if an increase of one item group should automatically generate a proportioned decrease on other item groups. Season profiles can also be used for calculation.
- Demand plans can be defined per week or month (for promotion also day is allowed) and each demand plan can cover unique time periods. Additionally, the plan can exceed one calendar year, but also be part of one year.
- A demand plan can be exported to DC1 Business Information Warehouse for sales and promotion follow-up. If the inventory control period is not equal to a month, values in demand planning will be recalculated to values on monthly level. A demand plan can be marked for control functions in order entry. E.g. the consumption of a customer forecast is registered and checked for each order line, giving a warning message when the forecast is consumed.
- A demand plan can be viewed and followed up by creating a work file with calculated values showing demand, forecast and statistical values, both historical and expected future values.
Enquiries and printouts
- Demand plan enquiry
- Demand plan printout
This printout routine is accessed from Work with demand plan and from the demand plan drill-down when the Print option is selected. Selections can be made on the key level from which the routine is called. - Demand plan hierarchies printout
This printout holds information about the hierarchy set and the selected keys. - Sales related keys table printout
Related topics
- Demand plan process
- Create a demand plan
- Create imports for demand plan
- Import data to be used in a demand plan
- Change the demand plan status
- Narrow down the demand plan selection
- Update the demand plan
- Create details for the demand plan
- Delegate the demand plan
- Maintain the forecast figures for a demand plan
- Rebuild the demand plan
- Roll the demand plan
- Update BIW (Business Information Warehouse) with information from demand plan
- Work with share of total for a demand plan
- Create a work file for a planner’s collection view
- Work with a planner’s collection view
- Tips and information for demand plans
- About DC1 Planning and Forecasting
- About sales and operation plan resources