(Accounting) Receiving less than the quantity issued on an internal purchase order, with landed costs and without quality control – Cost per warehouse is active

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This following describes the accounting transactions the system creates when you receive less than issued from another warehouse, using the Internal Replenishment routine. In this example no quality control is performed and an additional landed cost is incurred during the transfer. Cost per warehouse is active.

Cost type = Standard

The following prerequisites apply if the cost type is Standard cost:

Quantity on internal purchase order 125
Quantity dispatched on internal sales order 110
Quantity received 100
Insurance 4.00 each
Item standard cost – Warehouse CEN 50.00
Item standard cost – Warehouse STO 55.00
Standard cost/Insurance – Warehouse STO 5.00
Standard purchase price – Warehouse STO 50.00
From warehouse CEN
To warehouse STO

Created transactions

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
933 Goods received awaiting costs 5000.00  
Purchase price * Received quantity

50.00 * 100 = 5000.00

This transaction increases (debits) the Goods received awaiting costs value for warehouse STO, using the purchase order price multiplied by the quantity received.

Note: When the internal purchase order is created, the purchase price will be retrieved from the Last purchase cost field in the Item/warehouse file, for the receiving warehouse. You can change the purchase price on the internal purchase order, but this will have no effect whatsoever. When the internal purchase order is received, the system will overwrite the purchase price with the Standard cost from the Item/warehouse file for the sending warehouse and use this in calculating the Goods received awaiting costs value and purchase price variance.

907 Goods in transfer, stock supply   5500.00
50.00 * 110 = 5500.00

This transaction decreases the Goods in transfer for warehouse CEN. When the internal sales order pick list was confirmed, this amount was debited on transaction type 907.

Note: If the Standard cost for the delivering warehouse has been changed manually in the Item/warehouse file during transfer of the goods, this amount differs from the amount debited on transaction type 907 when the internal sales order pick list was confirmed. The value of the goods in transfer has then been re-valued. See (Accounting) Receiving goods when the cost price has been changed during transfer.

919 Stock supply difference negative 500.00  
Goods received awaiting costs – Stock value

5500.00 – 5000.00 = 500.00

This transaction accounts for the difference between the Goods received awaiting costs and the Goods in transfer. Any differences will always be accounted to the delivering warehouse, in this example warehouse CEN.

901 Stock value 5500.00  
Standard cost (STO) * Received quantity

55.00 * 100 = 5500.00

This transaction increases the stock value for warehouse STO, using the Standard cost in the Item/warehouse file for warehouse STO.

933 Goods received awaiting costs   5000.00
Net purchase price * Received quantity

50.00 * 100 = 5000.00

Warehouse STO. This transaction reverses the Goods received awaiting costs transaction that was created when the goods were received.

932 Landed cost – Insurance   400.00
4.00 * 100 = 400.00

Warehouse STO. This transaction increases (credits) the landed cost account with the actual landed cost of the insurance.

964 Landed cost variance   100.00
(5.00 – 4.00) * 100 = 100.00

Warehouse STO. This transaction credits the landed cost variance account with the difference between the actual landed cost and the standard landed cost of the insurance.

Cost type = Average purchase cost

The following prerequisites apply if the cost type is Average purchase cost:

Quantity on internal purchase order 125
Quantity dispatched on internal sales order 110
Quantity received 100
Average cost in Item/Warehouse file (CEN) 50.00
Average cost in Item/Warehouse file (STO) 55.00
Landed cost – Insurance 4.00 each
From warehouse CEN
To warehouse STO

Created transactions

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
933 Goods received awaiting costs 5000.00  
Net purchase price * Received quantity

50.00 * 100 = 5000.00

This transaction increases (debits) the Goods received awaiting costs value for warehouse STO, using the purchase order price multiplied by the quantity received.

Note: When the internal purchase order is created, the purchase price will be retrieved from the Last purchase cost field in the Item/warehouse file, for the receiving warehouse. When the internal purchase order is received, the system will always overwrite the purchase price with the Average cost from the Item/warehouse file for the sending warehouse and use this in calculating the Goods received awaiting costs and stock values.

907 Goods in transfer, stock supply   5500.00
50.00 * 110 = 5500.00

This transaction decreases the Goods in transfer for warehouse CEN. When the internal sales order pick list was confirmed, this amount was debited on transaction type 907.

Note: If the Average cost for the delivering warehouse has been changed manually in the Item/warehouse file during transfer of the goods, this amount differs from the amount debited on transaction type 907 when the internal sales order pick list was confirmed. The value of the goods in transfer has then been re-valued. See (Accounting) Receiving goods when the cost price has been changed during transfer.

919 Stock supply difference negative 500.00  
Goods received awaiting costs – Stock value

5500.00 – 5000.00 = 500.00

This transaction accounts for the difference between the Goods received awaiting costs and the Goods in transfer. Any differences will always be accounted to the delivering warehouse, in this example warehouse CEN.

901 Stock value 5400.00  
(Purchase price * Received quantity) + Landed costs

(50.00 * 100) + 400 = 5400.00

This transaction increases the stock value for warehouse STO, using the net purchase price multiplied by the received quantity plus the sum of the landed costs.

933 Goods received awaiting costs   5000.00
Net purchase price * Received quantity

50.00 * 100 = 5000.00

Warehouse STO. This transaction reverses the Goods received awaiting costs transaction that was created when the goods were received.

932 Landed cost – Insurance   400.00
4.00 * 100 = 400.00

Warehouse STO. This transaction increases (credits) the landed cost account with the actual landed cost of the insurance.

Cost type = FIFO

Prerequisites FIFO

Quantity on internal purchase order 125
Quantity dispatched on internal sales order 125
Quantity received 100
Cost price on internal sales order line 45.84
Landed cost – Insurance 4.00 each
From warehouse CEN
To warehouse STO

Created transactions

Transaction type Description Amount
Calculation/Result/Additional info
933 Goods received awaiting costs 4584.00  
Net purchase price * Received quantity

45.84 * 100 = 4584.00

This transaction increases (debits) the Goods received awaiting costs value for warehouse STO, using the purchase order price multiplied by the quantity received.

Note: When the internal purchase order is created, the purchase price will be retrieved from the Last purchase cost field in the Item/warehouse file, for the delivering warehouse. When the internal purchase order is received, the system will always overwrite the purchase price with the cost price from the corresponding sales order line and use this in calculating the Goods received awaiting costs and stock values.

907 Goods in transfer, stock supply   5730.00
Sales order line cost * Quantity issued

45.84 * 125 = 5730.00

This transaction decreases the Goods in transfer for warehouse CEN. When the internal sales order pick list was confirmed, this amount was debited on transaction type 907.

919 Stock supply difference negative 1146.00  
Goods received awaiting costs – Stock value

5730.00 – 4 584.00 = 1146.00

This transaction accounts for the difference between the Goods received awaiting costs and the Goods in transfer. Any differences will always be accounted to the delivering warehouse, in this example warehouse CEN.

901 Stock value 4984.00  
(Cost price * Received quantity) + Sum of landed costs

(45.84 * 100) + 400 = 4984.00

This transaction increases the stock value for warehouse STO, using the Standard cost in the Item/warehouse file for warehouse STO.

933 Goods received awaiting costs   4584.00
Net purchase price * Received quantity

45.84 * 100 = 4584.00

Warehouse STO. This transaction reverses the Goods received awaiting costs transaction that was created when the goods were received.

932 Landed cost – Insurance   400.00
4.00 * 100 = 400.00

Warehouse STO. This transaction increases (credits) the landed cost account with the actual landed cost of the insurance.

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