Add fees to a shipment

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The additional fees that can be defined for a shipment are freight, insurance and postage. (For more information, see About setting up sales order fees.)

The fees will be distributed down to each shipment line via an allocation method which defines how the fees are distributed among the goods delivered in the shipment. The fees will then be added to the invoice. The different types of allocation methods are weight, volume, quantity and line value.

  1. Select the Work with outbound shipments menu item.
  2. On the header panel, select the shipment that you want to add fees to and click Fees.
  3. You access Shipment additional fees. Complete the following information:
  4. Currency
    Enter the type of currency used in this transaction.

    Select the type of additional fees to be added to the shipment by completing one or several of the following fields (see the Panel help for further instructions):

    Freight + Allocation method
    Enter the freight fee plus the allocation method used for distributing the freight fee across the shipment lines.
    Postage + Allocation method
    Enter the postage fee plus the allocation method used for distributing the postage fee across the shipment lines.
    Insurance + Allocation method
    Enter the insurance fee plus the allocation method used for distributing the insurance fee across the shipment lines.
    Insurance %
    Enter the insurance % fee.
    Note: A value can only be entered in this field if a fee has not been defined in Insurance field on this panel.

    Click OK. Exit the routine.

    Tip: The distributed fees are displayed on the shipment line panel.

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