The following describes how the customer can track the status of a carrier consignment that has been shipped. This is done via a website.
A web address must have been defined for the carrier in the Carrier table (the Tracking address field).
- Access the Sales order enquiry program and enter the applicable sales order number in the Document no selection field and click OK.
- You immediately access the sales order. On the Order lines detail panel, select the applicable line.
- On the Sales order enquiry, Detailed order line 1 panel, select Menu/Link to/Consignment tracking from the Program views’ pull-down menu, as shown below:
Panel image
- You access the carrier’s website where you can view the consignment’s status.
Exit the routine.
Related topics
- About the Parcel carrier functionality (Great Britain)
- Automatically create a carrier consignment during pick list confirmation
- Manually create a carrier consignment at any time
- Work with an existing carrier consignment
- Print the transport note and labels
- Send consignment information electronically
- Print the driver’s manifest