Same item bonus handling

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This functionality gives you the possibility to offer a sales incentive in the form of a “same item bonus”, i.e. the customer is not charged for one or more of the same item on a sales order. If this functionality is set up and the setup stipulations are met for the item on the order line, the quantity that is invoiced to the customer will be less than the ordered quantity for the item. Every order line on the order that is valid for a same item bonus will be flagged. You can view this information via the following:

File Information
Work with sales orders
  • The Invoice quantity column on the Order lines panel. This column will display the quantity that is to be invoiced for the order line. If no quantity is displayed, the ordered quantity will be invoiced.
  • The Qty to inv field on the Order line, Main info panel will also display the quantity to invoice. If no quantity is displayed, the ordered quantity will be invoiced.
Sales order enquiry The Invoice quantity column on the Order lines panel. This column will display the quantity that is to be invoiced for the order line. If no quantity is displayed, the ordered quantity will be invoiced.
Sales order profit enquiry The Invoice qty field on the Order line information panel. This field will display the quantity that is to be invoiced for the order line, if found for the item and quantity. If no quantity is displayed, the ordered quantity will be invoiced.
Customer service enquiry If a same item bonus is found for the actual item and quantity, the Delivery qty field will display the quantity to be delivered and the Invoiced qty field will display the quantity to be invoiced.

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