Smart sales order entry, which is an extension of the Work with sales orders program, allows you to have instant access to a vast array of information. It combines various item, order and inventory searches with booking functions on the information found. Any lines booked in Smart sales order entry are updated line-by-line in Work with sales orders.
Different panels
Smart sales order entry is divided into six different panels (modes), which you can easily navigate through by clicking the Change mode function key. The different panels include:
Panel | Description |
Previous order | A panel where you can view order line data from the customer’s previous order and perform line-selective or total order duplications. |
History | A panel where you can view the items that the customer has purchased within a specified period of time. You can then use these items for order line duplications. |
Item search | A panel where you can locate items, using search words derived from up to 25 different item fields, and book the lines. |
Assortment | A panel where you can book sales orders from pre-defined item lists with unique pricing and discounts. |
Warehouse balance | A panel where you can view and book order lines from warehouse balances for items. You can also limit the search to only those warehouses that have a specified minimum quantity.
Note: The warehouse balance panel will display the warehouses included in the Sourcing policy defined for the customer in the Business partner/Address file. Warehouses that are not included in the Sourcing policy, but have the item in stock, are displayed at the bottom of the list. |
Batch | A panel where you can view item batches in the warehouse or that the customer has purchased, and limit the search to only those batches that have a specified minimum quantity. |
Extra features
Via function keys you also have the ability to:
- Set up default values which will be used for all sales order lines created from that point on in the Smart sales entry session.
- Change order details for the line. Changes are recorded internally and updated during the acceptance (booking) process.
- Toggle different information for each Smart sales order entry panel (mode)
Enquiries and printouts
- Sales order enquiry
- Warehouse balance enquiry to view the stock on hand for the warehouse from which the goods will be delivered.
- Time axis enquiry to view:
- the actual stock on hand for the item and warehouse used on the order
- the available item quantity
- the dispatch date, item quantity and available quantity, per order (for those both inside and outside the planning time).
- Sales order printout
- Time axis printout
Related topics
- Book sales order lines from previous orders
- Book sales order lines from historical data
- Search for items and book sales order lines
- Book sales order lines from an item assortment
- Book sales order lines from warehouse balances
- View item batches and book sales order lines
- Set up default values for sales order lines in smart sales order entry
- Change sales order line details in smart sales order entry
- Manipulate the access to smart sales order entry