View item batches and book sales order lines

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Note: You can view all item batches in the warehouse, or that the customer has purchased. You can also limit the search to only those batches that have a specified minimum quantity.

  1. Select the Work with sales order menu item and go to the Order lines panel.
  2. On the Order lines panel, click Smart order entry.
  3. On panel Smart sales order entry, click the Batch tab.
  4. You access Smart sales order entry, Batch. Enter the Item code for the batch(s) you want to view.
  5. Limit the search
    You can use the following field (on the bottom of the panel) to limit the search of the batches you want to view:

    Enter the minimum available quantity per item or item and batch to display only those batches with at least the specified available quantity. Note: If you enter a quantity you also have to enter a unit.

    Click OK.

    The system displays the order lines found from the search parameters you entered. Per line the following is displayed:

    • Batch for the item
    • Country in which the item was manufactured
    • Order line number for any batch previously purchased by the customer
    • Available quantity for the batch
    • Warehouse in which the item is stored

    Tip: Click the Shift info function key to view Dispatch date, Price sold, Current price and Profit margin.

    Enter information in the following field:

    Order qty
    Enter the order quantity for the line(s) you want to book.

    Book lines
    When you are ready to book you have two options. You can:

    1. Mark the order line(s) you want to book and click Acc mark, or
    2. Book all lines (Do not mark any lines and click Acc all).

    Note: If any errors occur while booking the order line(s), the system first displays the Order line, main info panel and highlights the error. After correcting the error, you return to the Smart sales order entry session where processing of the order line(s) can continue. If there are no errors, the system updates the lines on the Order line entry panel, but you remain in the Smart sales order entry session.

    Click Back to exit the Smart sales order entry session. You will see the lines on the Order lines panel. You can now continue with the order line processing as usual. (See About sales order entry).

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