Copy a sales order, quotation or invoice

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The following describes how to create a new sales order by copying an existing sales order, quotation and invoice. The procedure for all three is done from the same panel. To copy any of these you need the following:

  • Existing sales order number, or
  • Existing quotation number, or
  • Existing invoice number

If you want to copy an existing sales order, you can search for, and easily find, the order from which you want to copy on the Work with sales orders, Header view panel. Select the order you want to copy and click Copy.

If you want to copy a sales quotation or an invoice, you need to know the number of the documents. As when copying an existing sales order, you start from the Work with sales orders, Header view panel. On this panel you click Add to add a new order and then access the Sales order copy function by clicking Copy to order.

The following depicts how to copy an invoice to a new sales order.

  1. Select the Work with sales orders menu item.
  2. You access Work with sales orders, Header view. Click Add.
  3. You access Work with sales orders, create new. Click Copy to order.
  4. You access Sales order copy.
  5. Under heading Copy from database enter the following:

    Quotation number
    If you want to copy an existing quotation enter the quotation number and version.
    Order number
    If you want to copy an existing sales order enter the order number.
    Invoice number
    If you want to copy an invoice enter the invoice number. Tip: Use either the Sales order enquiry or Invoice enquiry to find the number of the invoice.
    Invoice date
    This field is useful if you have several invoices with the same number, but with different invoice dates. Enter the date of the invoice you wish to copy. If you leave this field blank, the system prompts a panel listing all invoices with the same invoice number, but different invoice dates (if more than one invoice exists). You must select the invoice you wish to copy and click OK. For the purpose of this example, leave the field blank.

    Under the Copy from data interchange heading you can enter the following:

    Customer number
    Enter the customer number for the sales order that has been received into the data interchange database (e.g. EDI), that you want to copy. For this example, leave the field blank.
    Customer order no
    Enter the customer’s order number for the sales order that has been received into the data interchange database, that you want to copy. For this example, leave the field blank.

    The following fields under the Copy to heading must be completed.

    If copying a quotation you must enter:

    Order type
    Firm allocation
    If you leave this field blank, the sales order type and customer on the new order determines if the order lines will be flagged for firm allocation. See the below table:
    Customer Order type Order header
    Y Y Y
    Y N N
    N Y N
    N N N

    If you are copying an invoice you must enter:

    Order type
    Dispatch date

    You also have the option to do the following:

    Use sourcing policy
    The default is NO. Set this field to YES if you want the system to retrieve a warehouse according to the Sourcing policy defined for your customer. If YES, the Warehouse field must be left blank.
    Get new prices
    The default is NO. If you leave this setting, the system retrieves the price from the document from which you are copying. If you set this field to YES the system automatically retrieves the valid sales price. If the Currency clause function control is activated the New curr clause field also has to be YES.
    Calculate disp date
    The default is NO. If you leave this setting and the target order type is to have an availability check, (and there is not enough available), the system will prompt you for dispatch date entry on the Sales order copy control panel. In all other situations, the dispatch date is set to today’s date. If you set this field to YES and the target order type is to have an availability check, (and there is not enough available), the system will calculate the earliest possible dispatch date. In all other situations, the dispatch date is set to today’s date.
    Maintain new order
    The default is YES. If you leave this setting the system displays the new order, after the copying is complete, where you can maintain the copied sales order. If you set this field to NO the system performs the copy and returns to the starting panel for this routine.

    Currency clause
    If the Currency clause function control is activated the following fields will be displayed:

    Use curr clause
    Indicate if the sales price should be adjusted to the currency clause handling. If a currency clause is defined on the source being copied, it will be copied. Note: Even if the copied currency clause is not valid or applicable to the new order it will be copied.
    New curr clause
    Use adjusted price
    This field can only be set to YES if you are copying an invoice. The Get new price field has to be set to NO if this field is set to YES. Note: One and only one of the Currency clause fields must be YES.

    Click OK.

    Note: The system will display a warning message, at the bottom of the panel, if the order type entered is not the same as on the document from which you are copying. If shown, click OK to ignore.

    Copy check
    The system runs a copy control check during the actual copying. If any information is in error or missing, the system will prompt the panel containing the erroneous information and highlight the field(s). On all of the panels prompted when copying, you can click Exit to cancel the copy process and return to the starting panel. Depending on how many sales order lines exist on the order you are copying, the same message could be displayed for each order line. You have three options:

    • Correct the error for each order line and click OK.
    • Click F11 twice to delete each line.
    • Click Exit to cancel the entire copying.
    • If the error message is only a warning click OK to accept the copy.
  6. You access Order lines listing the sales order lines from the copied order. The system has created a new order consisting of an order line, order header and order addresses from the copied order line.

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