Enter a sales order with batches

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To enter or update batches for a sales order line, you need the following:

  • Batch-controlled item
  • The Update stock on hand field must be set to YES for the sales order type used on the order in the Sales order type table.

Note: All sales order types are valid except for Back-to-Back (BtB) purchase orders. Batches are never manually entered on a BtB sales order. They will be copied from the BtB purchase order at Reception note confirmation.

To enter or update batches for a sales order line do as follows:

  1. Repeat steps 1 through 3 in Manually enter a sales order.
  2. From the Order lines panel, there are two ways to access the Batch entry panel:
    1. If the sales order type indicates no printout of pick list, the system will automatically prompt this panel if you enter a batch controlled item on the sales order line.
    2. For any other valid order type, batches can be entered by clicking the appropriate function key on the Order line, main info panel with details for the order line. Note: This function is only displayed if a batch controlled item is entered.

    For the purpose of this example, enter the item code of a batch item and a quantity and click OK.

  3. The system displays the entered order line. Select the order line and click Change.
  4. On the Order line, main info panel, click Batch.
  5. You access Batch entry. On this panel you have the following options:
    • You can change an existing batch, connected to this order line, by marking the line and clicking OK. The system displays detailed information for the batch (see step 6).
    • You can add a new batch to the order line (see below).

    Add batch
    Enter the following to add a batch:

    Must exist for this item in the actual warehouse.
    Qty ord
    Must be less than or equal to order line quantity, displayed in the Quantity field in the upper right corner of this panel. A check is performed against the Batch master file to ensure that the entered quantity is available.

    Click OK.

    The system adds the batch to the order line and the added batch will be displayed in the middle of this panel. To add more batches to the order line, repeat this step. To confirm this panel, see End batch entry below.

  6. If you have marked an existing batch to be updated, you access Batch entry with detailed information for the batch.
  7. Change batch
    On this panel you have the following options:

    • Change the Ordered batch quantity and click OK. You return to the Batch entry panel.
    • You can remove the batch from the order line by clicking Delete twice. You return to the Batch entry panel after deleting the batch.
    • Click Text if you want to view text connected to this batch. This text is retrieved from the Batch master file.

    End batch entry
    To end batch entry, you have several options from the Batch entry panel (step 5 above). These include:

    • Click Confirm screen and return. The entire order line quantity, displayed in the Quantity in the upper right corner of the panel, must be covered by batches if the sales order type indicates no printout of pick list (meaning the Qty to add/del field must be zero).
    • Click Back to return to previous panel (i.e. Order line entry or Order line maintenance). The system will automatically prompt the Batch entry panel again if you try to update the order line, for a sales order type which indicates no printout of pick list, and the entire order line quantity is not covered by batches.

    If you click Back from the Batch entry panel (which was prompted automatically after entering a new sales order line with no pick list printout), all entered batches will be lost and you will return to Order line entry.

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