View FIFO-transactions

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The following describes how to view FIFO-transactions for a specific batch. Note: The system always creates FIFO-transactions when you move goods into stock, regardless of the cost type defined in the DIS control file.

  1. Select the Work with batches menu item.
  2. You access Batch maintenance. You can use the following fields to search for a specific batch:
  3. Item
    Creation date range

    Select the applicable batch and click Change.

  4. On the detail panel, click the Batch/FIFO enq function key. Alternatively click OK to access Batch maintenance, Stock information, from where you can click the Batch/FIFO enq function key.
  5. You access FIFO enquiry, listing all of the FIFO-transactions for this batch in the warehouse. To view more detailed information, select the applicable transaction and click Display.

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