Panels in the A/P transaction entry routine

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You access several panels in succession when you enter a transaction, and each one has a specific purpose. Most panels are only needed under certain circumstances. Which panels are shown depends mainly on the payment document type you use, but also on the values you enter. These are all the panels that exist:

Panel Description
Initial journal header panel On this panel you set the journal and voucher parameters, and select the type of transaction to enter (for example A/P payments). This panel is a mandatory part of all manual transaction entry.
Transaction entry panel On this panel you enter the payment details. This panel is mandatory.
Cash Book details entry panel On this panel you enter Cashbook payments.
Transaction overview panel On this panel the system displays all transactions with the selected voucher parameters. The system displays this panel for your information before you return to the initial journal header panel to change voucher parameters, or when you select voucher parameters for which transactions already exist. You may also select an entered transaction for maintenance from here.
Address panel On this panel you enter name and address information for sundry suppliers. The system only displays this panel for sundry suppliers.
Pseudo account panel On this panel you distribute the contra accounting amounts and create automatic postings. The system only displays this panel if you use pseudo accounts.
G/L posting entry panel On this panel you post the remaining amount of the contra accounting manually. The system only displays this panel if you enter G/L postings manually.
Account information panel On this panel the system displays information about the selected account. The system only displays this panel if you click Account info on the G/L postings entry panel.
Settlement panel On this panel you select open A/P documents that should be settled by the payment. The system only displays this panel if settlement should be made when you enter the payment.
Settlement difference panel On this panel you define settlement differences. The system only displays this panel if you click a function key on the settlement panel.
Settlement overview panel On this panel you made settlements in the current batch are displayed. The system only displays this panel if you are working with settlements without payment handling.
Main document selection panel 1 On this panel you define which document should be the main document in the settlement, by entering document type and number or a supplier number. The system only displays this panel if you are working with settlements without payment handling.
Main document selection panel 2 On this panel you select which document should be the main document in the settlement, if a supplier number was entered on panel 1. The system only displays this panel if you are working with settlements without payment handling.
Closing panel On this panel you select which action to take with the batch, and define the printout parameters for the journals. This panel is a mandatory part of all manual transaction entry.
Update panel On this panel the system displays the closing balances. This panel is a mandatory part of all manual transaction entry.

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