Re-open an A/P invoice that has not been processed by the bank

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The following describes how to re-open an invoice that has been settled by a payment which was never performed by the bank.

Use a payment document type with a pre-defined pseudo account as contra account, and Reverse sign and Settlement panel set to YES. For more information on which contra accounting methods you may use, see About starting/closing manual transaction entry.

  1. Select the Enter financial transactions menu item.
  2. On the Financial system transaction entry panel, complete the applicable fields and click OK.
  3. You remain on the same panel which is now updated. Tick A/P payments and click OK.
  4. You access the A/P payment entry. The following fields are mandatory:
  5. Document type
    Enter the document type for your payment.
    Supplier number
    Enter the number of the supplier for which you want to reverse a payment (i.e. re-open a document).
    Transaction amount
    Enter the amount you want to re-open as a debit amount. Since we use a document type with Reverse sign set to YES the control account will be credited and the bank account will be debited instead of the opposite, which is the case for a normal payment.

    Click OK when you have completed all relevant fields. For more information about the separate fields, see About entering A/P invoices and credit notes manually. The system retrieves defaults for the fields that were left blank. Click OK again to confirm.

    The system creates the postings automatically, based on the definitions for the payment document type. The payment transaction will update the Accounts Payable immediately. Now the balance for your supplier is correct again.

  6. You access A/P open items selection with all open documents for the supplier. The payment document you have entered is shown first, and has already been settled. Note: Your payment is shown with a positive amount, just like a normal invoice, and not a payment. Since only the open documents for the supplier are shown on this panel, click Reverse settlement to access the closed items.
  7. You access Batch settlement overview with all the settlements for the supplier. Tip: You can use the fields at the bottom of the panel to position on the document. For example, use the document type and number of the payment. Note: If the invoice was settled by a credit note it is the credit note that is displayed on this panel. Select the applicable payment.
  8. You access Batch settlement overview with all the documents included in the settlement (payment) you selected. Select the invoice you want to re-open and click Reverse selected entries to current settlement.
  9. You access A/P open item selection again. The re-opened document is now displayed first. Note: The document now has a remaining amount again and is completely re-opened. Click Update to update the settlement.
  10. You re-access A/P payment entry, ready for a new transaction entry. To see the entries you have made, click Back. To close your entries, see About starting/closing manual transaction entry for more information.

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