Import batches from interface

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The following describes how to import batches from the interface when Stop after loading on the Selection panel is set to 2 (Stop after loading).

  1. Select the Work with open batches menu item.
  2. On the main panel, click Import from interface.
  3. You access Import batches from interface. The following field is relevant:
  4. Batch import option
    Enter a code from Work with batch import options. The other fields on this panel are automatically completed according to the code definition, but can be changed if necessary for this particular import.

    If a batch import option code is not entered, then the following fields must be manually completed:

    Enter a description for the import. The description entered here becomes the default Batch text that will be written to all the batch headers created by this import.
    Origin code
    Enter the origin code to identify the transactions that should be imported. State either individual or a range of values to include in the selection according to DC1 standard functionality.
    Batch list profile
    Enter the batch list profile for the import to determine the lists that should be produced for the journal.
    Enter a template which is to be applied for the import. During the loading process, the imported data is completed based on the applied template definition. The template is also applied to display interface data on the entry panels. Note: Only one template can be defined for imported batches. The template specified is applied to all the relevant detail panels: voucher, cash book, payment etc. You need to ensure that the corresponding template exists.
    Stop after loading
    Indicate if the transaction transfer process should be stopped before batch update. The following values apply:

    Here, enter 2.

    Enter the printing parameters and click OK.

  5. You access Work with open batches. If any errors are encountered for the imported batch, then the batch is shown and available for correction on this panel. Note: Since Stop after loading was specified as 2 (Stop after loading), the batch would be visible on the panel even if no errors are found.
  6. The batch description entered during batch import has become the description for the created batch.

    If the batch header is successfully created, but no batch related vouchers were created due to errors, then this is indicated by the assigned error code E1 (Interface voucher header error). See Correct interface voucher related errors in a batch for instructions on how to correct the errors.

    The status the batch receives depends on the errors found during the validation process. Note: If the value specified for Stop after loading is 1 (Stop after preloading) for an import, then the interface data is not validated and the batch receives status 0 (Preloaded). Exit the routine.

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