Execute period roll-over

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  1. Select the Execute period rollover menu item.
  2. You access Execute period rollover, Select company. On this panel you select the company or companies for which you want to run the job. Click OK.
  3. You access Execute period rollover, Job confirmation with the company(ies) that you have selected for period roll-over. If applicable, complete the following fields:
  4. Start date
    Enter the date when the job should be executed. Note: If no date is entered, the job will start immediately.
    Start time
    Enter the point of time when the job should be executed. Note: If no time is entered, the job will start immediately.

    Click OK to submit the job. Each selected company will be submitted to a unique job named PER_RO_XX (where XX = Company code). When the roll-over is completed for a company, you will be informed of which company was completed.

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