The DC1 division concept affects the routines in the Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Accounts Payable (A/P).
The division concept is optional, i.e., you do not have to activate it if it is not applicable to your company. However, you may start using the division concept at any time, but first the cost centre handling must be activated.
In many companies, there is a need to group cost centres into a higher entity called division, see Set up a cost centre.
A cost centre can only belong to one division while a division may embrace several cost centres. Divisions have to some extent the purpose of acting as companies within the company.
The division entity will be used as selection criterion for A/P and A/R enquiries and reports, see Select on division in an enquiry program. In the General Ledger, such a grouping can be achieved by the use of summary identities.
In existing DC1 companies, where the division concept has not been activated so far, it is possible to rebuild A/R and A/P transaction, balance and statistics files to insert divisions, if desired. For the rebuild routines, see About rebuilding A/R balances and statistics and About rebuilding A/P balances and statistics.
- It is mandatory that Cost centre account part is defined in the G/L control file. This is done at installation time and may be any account part except the main account part, see Set up a cost centre.
- One or more divisions must be entered into Work with divisions, see Set up a division.
- A connection between the cost centre and its division must be established by maintaining the cost centres in the Account file. See Establish a link between cost centre and division in the Account file for instructions. This link is optional and it is permitted to leave cost centres unconnected, but those unconnected cost centres can, of course, not be selected in any reports or enquiries by the use of division as a selection parameter.
The impact on A/R and A/P
When the DC1 division concept is implemented, the Division field is shown on all panels where it can be used as a selection parameter. If the division concept is not used, then it is hidden and has no impact on the system.
When A/R and A/P documents are entered, you are never requested to enter any division manually, but division is automatically included and stored in the applicable files. It is retrieved from the Account file, based on the transaction’s cost centre.
Division can be used as a selection parameter in the following routines:
- A/R transactions enquiry
- A/R balance enquiry
- A/R statistics enquiry
- Print A/R transactions
- Print A/R balance
- Print A/R payment statistics
- Print A/R – A/P analysis
- A/P transactions, balance and statistics enquiry
- Print A/P transactions
- Print A/P balance
- Print A/P payment statistics
- A/P payment proposal, Create proposal
To stop using the division concept
If the division concept should not be used any longer, the following three steps apply:
- Disconnect all cost centres from their divisions by maintaining the Account file.
- Delete all divisions from Work with divisions.
- Rebuild A/R and A/P balances and statistics if you do not need to save historic information. This is optional. For the rebuild routines, see About rebuilding A/R balances and statistics and About rebuilding A/P balances and statistics.
- Division table enquiry