Set up rules for dynamic calculation or redistribution

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The term dynamic means that the system creates the automatic postings based on a variable amount or quantity, i.e. a balance or budget, according to the rules you set up.

Before you set up the rules you should define a dynamic option code. See steps 1-2 below. If you already have done this, continue to step 3. You can also maintain the dynamic option codes when you are setting up the rules (see step 7).

You define options on what the dynamic account should be based. For example, you enter the parameters if it should be based on balance or budget, and if the values should be based on amount or quantity.

Dynamic calculation and redistribution transactions are posted in system currency. The base transaction may have a transaction currency which is different from the system currency, but the automatic postings are based on the system amount or quantity of the base transaction, entered manually or calculated by the system.

When using dynamic calculation/redistribution it is not possible to create postings to a currency account, since dynamic postings are always created in system currency.

Note: Created postings with a currency that does not correspond with the currency for the currency account will end up in the Journal maintenance program as they are erroneous postings.

Note: All calculation/redistribution modes are handled from the same menu item. You select the applicable mode by toggling Shift mode. The active mode is indicated in the panel sub-heading and will continue to be active on the subsequent panels in the routine until changed. The following modes are available:

  1. Select the Work with dynamic base options menu item.
  2. On the main panel, click Add.
  3. You access the detail panel where you enter the options. Enter the parameters depending on what base account combination you want to use for the dynamic calculation or redistribution. If you leave Relative year blank, then the system will use actual year as base. Otherwise, enter -1 for last year or 1 for next year. You are also able to enter negative values in the From/To period fields to use previous time periods counting backwards from the current period number.

    Note: If you define the option based on budget you must also enter which budget number you want to use.

  4. Click OK to update.

  5. To set up rules, select the Work with calculation/redistribution menu item.
  6. You access the main panel displaying a listing with existing account combinations for which calculation and redistribution rules have been set up. Note: More than one rule can exist for each account combination and voucher type. If the default mode is Fixed direct/Fixed batch, then toggle Shift mode to select Dynamic direct. Click Add.
  7. You access the detail panel where you set up the account combination. Complete the following fields:
  8. Identity
    Enter a unique code to identify the base account entry you are creating.

    Base account

    Account part 1-8
    Enter the account combination that will be the basis for the calculation or redistribution rule(s). For all account parts, you can also use underscore (___), completely or a masked part of the account, e.g. 7___, which means that any account in the account part which starts with a 7 is valid for the calculation/redistribution rule.
    Enter a voucher type if you want to create automatic transactions for only those postings that have a certain voucher type. Note: The system creates automatic entries only for those voucher types that allow calculation and redistribution.
    Calc/redistr type
    Enter 1 to set up a calculation rule, or 2 to set up a redistribution rule.

    Click OK.

  9. You access the Work with calculation/redistribution, Dynamic direct/batch details panel. Click Add to add a new rule.
  10. You access the detail panel where you set up the rule for the calculation or redistribution base account ID. Enter information in the following fields:
  11. Sequence
    Enter a sequence number for the rule. This decides in which sequence the rules are to be applied when an entry is made on the base account combination.
    Enter the percentage of the base entry amount, which should be posted automatically. Note: The percentage must be positive.
    Dynamic base option
    Enter the code that determines on which basis the apportionment should be made. You can also click Dynamic base options to create or maintain an option. (See steps 1-2 above for more details.)

    Dynamic base account

    Account part 1-8
    Enter the account combination. The system automatically creates postings based on the account combination, from which the percentage distribution should be calculated according to the dynamic base option code.
    Note: You must complete at least one account part with dots (….), and so must also one or both of the “into account” and “into contra accounts”. The dotted account parts for the “into account” and/or “into contra account” must be the same account part as the dotted account part for the dynamic base account. This dynamic account part is the one from which the balance or budget distribution is generated, to distribute the predefined percentage of the amount or quantity entered on the base account to the “into account” and/or “into contra account”.
    When you set up a calculation rule you can post the calculated amount and quantity into two different account combinations.
    When you set up a redistribution rule the “into contra account” will be the same as the base account combination.
    You can complete the fields with underscore (___), completely or a masked part of the account. This means that all accounts in that account part is used when the dynamic base percentages are created. In this way, you avoid maintaining a transaction for each possible value for the account part (or a masked part of it). Note that this account setup for a dynamic base account must be the same as for the base account.
    You can also enter an account part with all ‘-‘ (dash signs), then the creation of the dynamic base account will be independent of this account part. This can be used for more than one account part, but masking is not possible.

    Into account

    Account part 1-8
    Enter the account combination that is to be used as the “into account” postings when the system creates the automatic entry.

    Click Next to access the second detail panel where you enter the “into contra account” parameters.

    Into contra account

    Account part 1-8
    Enter the account combination that is to be used as the “into contra account” postings when the system creates the automatic entry.

    Click OK to confirm. You can continue to enter rules, add more records, or exit the routine.

    Note: If you are working with redistribution, the system informs you of the total percentage of all the rules you have set up for this account combination when you click OK to confirm the total percentage.

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