Simulate workload

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Workload simulations can be useful in forecasts or in analyses of the effects of changes in number of machines or employees.

A simulation version must be created before you can simulate the workload. The following describes both how to create a simulation version and how to view the result of the simulation.

Create simulation

Do as follows to create a simulation version:

  1. Select the Work with reports/jobs – MFG orders menu item.
  2. You access Work with batch jobs. Select MRP_RUN and click Submit job.
  3. You access Material requirements planning (MRP). Complete the following fields:
  4. Simulation version
    Enter a simulation version id and description.
    Sim capacity version
    Optional entry. Enter the version to be used for the capacity creation.
    Create workload
    Indicate if planned workload should be created. If you set this field to NO, any existing planned workload will be deleted. If you set this field to YES, planned workload will be created and workload for all manufacturing orders will be re-created. For this example, set this field to YES.

    See the Panel help for information about the remaining fields.

    Click OK to process the batch job. Exit the routine.

View simulation

Do as follows to view the results of the simulation:

  1. Select the Workload enquiry.
  2. On the initial panel, click Select simulation version.
  3. You access Simulation version selection. Select the simulation version you want to use and click Select.
  4. You access Workload enquiry. (Tip: Click Select active if you want to view the active version again). Select the work centre for which you want to view simulated workload and click Workload.
  5. You access Workload enquiry, Work centre/day, op times in minutes (decimal). Note: You can click Minutes/Decimal to view the operation times in minutes. This panel displays the workload details, planned workload, etc., allowing you to analyse the workload situation in more detail for the selected work centre.

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