Navigation and behaviour in NetStore Backoffice

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Note: It is important that you familiarise yourself with this behaviour, as this information is not described in the instructions for the NetStore routines.

  • Whenever this document refers to a menu, it means a menu option found either on the left-hand navigation frame, or the top menu bar frame. This menu option is also called a process or function, e.g. User, Catalogue, Contact, Data restriction, etc.
  • The same menu options appear in several locations. The left-hand navigation frame lists all functions in alphabetical order, divided in blocks to improve the visual appearance. These are also found under the “All functions” menu on the top menu frame. In addition to this, the functions are found under the various other menus on the top menu frame. Here the functions are divided in more logical sections depending on where the function fits in.
  • Navigation must be performed by selecting the available buttons on the various pages (OK, Cancel, Back, Exit, etc.) or by selecting a process from the menu. The browser’s Back and Forward buttons should not be used.
  • NetStore Backoffice remembers the last visited page within a process. Imagine the following navigation:

    The idea behind this is to allow for an easier navigation across processes without starting all over again when returning to a previously left process.

    Tip: If you dislike this behaviour, you can append RESTART = “True” after the process name when calling the process from the menu. This could of course also be done selectively for specific processes where applicable.

    In most list pages you will find one or more buttons on the left side of the list of rows. These buttons are represented as small icons. By clicking these buttons, the related action is performed for that specific row. By moving the mouse over the icon, a descriptive text will explain the relevant action.

    If several rows might be selected at the same time, these buttons are placed under the table, and the rows to be included must have been checked.

    Buttons not directly related to any of the rows in the table, or buttons appearing on detail pages are placed at the bottom of the page.

    On some pages buttons appear on the top right side of the page. These buttons can be seen as different pages in a notebook. Example of these are the buttons for accessing settings, text and links from the User or User group detail page.

    A “hidden button” is also implemented for most list pages. You click this button by moving the mouse pointer to a row and clicking the mouse. This feature is a shortcut to the most used action, normally Edit in edit mode and View in view mode. However, some variations exist, for instance on the Catalogue structure page: you navigate to the next level in the catalogue structure if you click any row in the list of categories.

    The Back button normally takes you back to the previous page, as opposed to the Exit button that takes you all the way back to the start-point for the process.

  • Search and Selection:
    Most list pages also have a selection part at the bottom. This provides a possibility to limit or position the list by entering selection criteria and clicking the search button.


You have access to all processes via the left-hand Navigator as well as from the Menu bar.

Process Menu bar
Application = Set up information on application level. Application
Application log = View log files for the following occurrences: Customer missing, Price missing, Empty data restriction. Application
Application log type = Preloaded types for the following logs: Customer missing, Price missing, Empty data restrictions. You can change the Log interval code, thereby deciding how often the information should be logged. Application
Attention code = Define any attention codes (in form of images) that you want to connect to Catalogues, Categories and/or Items. You may want to advertise that there is a special offer, that the product is new, etc. Basic data/Tables
Catalogue = Define the applicable catalogues in which the products you want to sell will eventually be published. Item
Catalogue elements = Create catalogue categories with connected text, links and multimedia. Define attention codes or set validity periods for categories and/or items. Item
Contact = Define the address links to contact persons on your site. Basic data/Tables
Data restrictions = Preloaded and applied on Application level. They are referred to in many places and allow you to restrict access to data, (e.g., restrict the number of supported languages on your site, restrict the items that a user can search for, etc.) See NetStore Data Restrictions in the Technical references accessible on the Iptor Intranet, for more information about the preloaded data restrictions. Basic data/Types
Description database = Configure descriptions (standard texts) that you want to connect to several multimedia objects. The description will appear as a link. When the user clicks the link, the actual multimedia object connected will launch. Basic data/Databases
Item = View all items from the item search database and link/connect any text, links or multimedia. Item
Item links update = Automatically assign complementary links (in the form of text documents, images, movies, etc.) to items. Updates/Item
Item search database = View all items generated per database. Updates
Item search database definition = Define the database, that will eventually be generated, and specify any restrictions. Basic data/Search
Item search database update = Generate new databases and/or synchronise any item changes in the DC1 Item file into existing Item search databases. Updates/Item
Link database = Define all links that can be applied to and referenced from Items, Catalogues, Categories and Pages. Basic data/Databases
Order transfer = Allows you to confirm a non-confirmed order, delete confirmed and non-confirmed orders and transfer confirmed Internet sales orders into DC1 Distribution. Updates
Page = Preloaded and configured pages. Attributes can be changed. Can also add links and multimedia to your pages. Basic data/Tables
Resource location = NetStore provides a default folder (resource location) for storage of your multimedia objects. If you do not want to use the default folder storage, you would set up the applicable new resource locations here (and perhaps change your Property files). Basic data/Tables
Resource type = Holds the supported multimedia resource types. Basic data/Types
Search option = Tailor the search fields that you want to be available on the Product search page. Can then be applied on the Application, User group and/or User level. Basic data/Search
Search option type = Preloaded types. For each search option type, the way in which the information for each search field should be presented (i.e., via a list and numeric) is also preloaded, but can be changed. Basic data/Types
Setting type = Settings are system objects that impact the running of the site. All preloaded setting types have values applicable on Application level. All user-related settings can be overridden on User group/User level.

See NetStore Preloaded Settings in the Technical references accessible on the Iptor Intranet, for a list of all settings, what they do and whether or not they are User-related.

Basic data/Types
Shipment tracking = Allows you to build a URL, thereby creating a Shipment tracking link on the Sales order line details page. Clicking on this link will give you up-to-date information about the current location and status of your goods. Basic data/Shipment tracking
Text database = Create texts in the system language of your site as well as translations into applicable languages. Texts are referenced from various locations (e.g., User groups, Users, Items and Catalogues). The referencing Text type decides in what area on the site the text will appear. Basic data/Databases
Text type = Preloaded types, which are used when connecting texts from the Text database to different objects. They control in what parts of the site the texts will be visible. Basic data/Types
User = Create all user accounts for your customers. Settings (multimedia, text on pages, etc.) can be customised per user. User
User group = Bundle a number of user accounts into a group. Settings (multimedia, text on pages, etc.) can be customised and applied on user group level, but can always be overridden for an individual user account. User

Top menu bar

All information accessible from the left-hand Navigator can also be accessed via the Top menu bar.

All functions

On the All functions menu you can find all functions listed alphabetically.

Basic data

  • Types
  • Tables
  • Databases
  • Search
  • Shipment tracking

Under each category you will find the applicable functions.





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