Setting up the REACH functionality

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The following needs to be set up in order to track and then report chemical substances to the European Chemical Agency.

File/Table To do
Work with companies Activate the DGH (DC1 Dangerous Goods Handling) application.
Function control file Activate the REACH (the European Union regulation for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) function control.
Standard documents The R&SPHRASES (MSDS Risk and Safety Phrases) standard document group is preloaded with the system. Add the required standard documents that will eventually be connected to the CAS numbers. They are printed on the REACH report.
Work with CAS numbers Add the user-defined CAS numbers and the define following details:

  • Indicate if a REACH report and/or a REACH Declaration report should be printed. The REACH report is more of a control report allowing you to check if substances are approaching the registration limit. The REACH Declaration report is submitted to the Chemical Agency.
  • Indicate the registered quantity in kilograms/year that is allowed to be purchased/produced without declaring to the Chemical Agency. If the purchased/produced quantity of the substance reaches or exceeds this quantity, the substance must be reported to the Chemical Agency.
  • Some substances may have already been pre-registered by the supplier and/or registered already. Indicate if such is the case as well as the pre-registration date/registration date and notice/registration numbers.
  • Exclude those suppliers that do their own registration of the chemical substances purchased by you via the Suppliers option.
Work with items, Substance information Connect the CAS number to the item and define the percentage of each substance that makes up the item. All substances for every item must be defined regardless if they are required to be reported. The total percentage of substances for one item must equal 100 percent. For each substance you also define if the substance should be reported to the Chemical Agency.

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