Attach an external contact to a business partner role

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The following describes how to connect a contact to a role. Roles are pre-established for each business partner and are helpful in that you can set up a number of conditions or rules which can apply to several users. The most common business partner roles are preloaded, but you may create new roles in the Work with roles routine.

You can connect a contact to a role from the following:

  • By clicking the Contacts option on the initial panel in Work with business partners and then the Activate contact option on the Active contacts panel.
  • By clicking the Contacts function key on the Basic data panel in Work with business partners and then the Activate contact option on the Active contacts panel.
  • By clicking the Activate option on the Attach contact to role panel in Work with business partners. This panel is accessed by clicking the Contact function key on any of the following panels: Customer file, Supplier file, A/R basic data and A/P basic data.

    The Active selection field on this Attach contact to role panel works as follows: If a contact has been activated for this business partner and role, then YES is defaulted, meaning that only activated contacts are displayed. If you set it to NO, then only non-activated contacts are displayed. If you set the selection field to blank, then all external contacts established in your system are listed. Click the Add option to access the Work with contacts program where you can add a new or maintain existing external contacts.

  • By defining the Role field in the Work with contacts panel for the business partner. Accessed by clicking the Contacts tab in Business partner maintenance file, and adding/changing a contact.

The Contacts option on the initial panel in Work with business partners is described below. Do as follows:

  1. Select the Work with business partners menu item.
  2. On the initial panel, highlight the applicable business partner number and click the Contacts option.
  3. You access Business partner file maintenance, Active contacts, listing all connected contacts for the existing business partner roles. Highlight a role and click the Activate contact option.
  4. You access Business partner file maintenance, Select contact for the role, listing all external contact persons that have been entered into your system. Select the contact ID that you want to attach to the role that you are working with and click the Select option.
  5. You return to the Active contacts panel. The attached contact for the role has been added to the list.

    Select the same contact ID and click Set default to indicate that this contact person should be the default in matters that relate to this specific role. The Default column is set to YES for the contact. You may activate several contact persons for the role, but only one can be the default.

    Note: Each business partner role reflects different panels in the Business partner file. Contacts and assigned roles are also available from each applicable panel in the file. The default contact person per role is automatically displayed on the associated main panel. For example, the default contact person for the business partner role *BPCUSTORD (customer order contact) is displayed on the Customer file panel.

    The Active selection field on this panel works as follows: If a contact has been activated for this business partner and role, then YES is defaulted, meaning that only activated contacts are displayed. If you set it to NO, then only non-activated contacts are displayed. If you set the selection field to blank, then all external contacts established in your system are listed. Click Add contact to access the Work with contacts program where you can add a new or maintain existing external contacts.

    The communication details configured for each contact person in the Work with contacts, Assign client and Business partner file maintenance, Attach contact to role routines are automatically retrieved to and updated, if changed, in the following places:

    • In the Phone file of each business partner (Business partner file/Phone numbers panel) you can view communication details for all external contacts that have been attached to the business partner’s different roles. This information can only be maintained in the Work with contacts, Assign client program.
    • In the Customer contacts enquiry you can view all contact person related information set up for the business partner, both internal and external.
    • If client type E-mail address (ACCEMAIL) is configured and activated for a contact person, then the contact and specified e-mail address will be updated and available for selection on address panels within the sales and purchase order routines in either of the following situations:
      • The customer is sundry.
      • The order is created via DC1 NetStore and order confirmation is to be printed for the order according to the order type.
      • The DI documents concerned are activated under DI method ACCEMAIL for the customer in the Business partner file and the applicable documents are to be printed for the order according to the order type. If an e-mail address to which the DI document concerned should be sent is defined for the customer (i.e. the Business partner file/DI documents panel, Send address field), then it will be defaulted, but can be changed.

    For more information, refer to the Panel help.

    Click OK and exit the routine.

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