Related topics
- About cancelling settlements
Outlines what the system automatically performs during the cancellation process. - Manually reconcile Cash book bank transactions
- Manually reconcile Cash book bank transactions with difference
This routine is the main routine from where most work concerning the Cash book can be performed. Cash book entries with related A/R and A/P payment documents can be cancelled and previously settled documents re-opened in this routine. When you first enter this panel it is empty. The selection fields at the bottom part of the panel determine which records are displayed and in which sequence order. It is mandatory to complete the Bank field.
This routine is also available as Bank statement enquiry in the Cash book bank balances routine. For each transaction, the following information is shown:
- Bank
- Document type (Dt)
- Document date
- Reason code (Rscd)
- Transaction reference
- Open amount
- Currency
- In open batch (B)
If this field displays an asterisk (*), then this means that the transaction is included in open batch.
When you toggle Shift info, the headings will change and further information is shown:
- Value date
- Voucher type (Vt)
- Voucher number
- Period
- Bank amount
Related documents | Select this option to view the A/R or A/P documents related to a Cash book transaction. On the panel you then access, you can also view and cancel existing settlements for A/R and A/P transactions that are related to the selected Cash book transaction. |
Connected entries | Select this option to view connected entries. |
Reconcile | Select this option to reconcile. |
Unreconcile | Select this option to unreconcile. |
G/L transactions | Select this option to view the G/L transaction details. The control account posting associated with the transaction will be shown. |
Function keys
Selection fields
Work with Cash book reconciliation (FSR46004)
This panel displays detailed information for the selected transaction. Depending on the option you chose on the previous panel (change, display, reconcile or unreconcile), different information can be maintained here. However, information about the following is always protected:
- Document type, number and date
- Voucher type, number and date
- System id
- Accounting period
- Bank currency
- Bank amount and open amount
Function keys
Related documents | Display the related documents for the transaction. This panel displays the A/R and A/P transactions that are related to the selected Cash book transaction. There are never any related documents for pure G/L transactions. |
Connected entries | Only available for the Change and Display options. Display the connected entries for the transaction. |
Confirm | Only available for the Reconcile and Unreconcile options. Confirm reconciliation or unreconciliation of a transaction, with or without differences.
Note: If you select to confirm reconciliation of a Cash book entry which is coming from Work with A/P payment proposals and is found in the cheque inventory, then the related cheque transaction is changed to status (Cleared) in the cheque inventory and the Cleared date field is set to the Value date. If you select to confirm unreconciliation of such a Cash book entry, then the related cheque transaction is changed to status (Outstanding) in the cheque inventory and the Cleared date is removed. |
- Bank
- Displays the bank code entered for this transaction.
- Document type
- Displays the document type entered for this transaction.
- Document number
- Displays the document number entered for this transaction.
- Document date
- Displays the document date entered for this transaction.
- System id
- Displays the system id entered for this transaction.
- Voucher type
- Displays the voucher type entered for this transaction.
- Voucher number
- Displays the voucher number entered for this transaction.
- Voucher date
- Displays the voucher date entered for this transaction.
- Period
- Displays the accounting period entered for this transaction.
- Bank currency
- Displays the bank currency entered for this transaction.
- Bank amount
- Displays the original amount entered for this transaction.
- Open amount
- Displays the amount left to reconcile for this transaction.
- Value date
- Displays the value date for this transaction. You can change this field.
- Reconciled amount
- Only shown for reconciliation or unreconciliation. It can be changed only in reconciliation mode. The open amount is defaulted, but you can change it here. If you have changed the amount, the following four situations apply:
- If the bank table currency for the bank is not equal to the bank currency for the transaction, reconciliation with difference will not be allowed.
- If both the Tolerance % and Tolerance amount fields have been left blank in Work with banks, then reconciliation with difference will not be allowed.
- If there has been a value entered in Tolerance %, in Work with banks, then reconciliation with difference will be allowed if the absolute value of the entered difference is less than or equal to the allowed tolerance value.
- If there has been a value entered in Tolerance amount, in Work with banks, then reconciliation with difference will be allowed if the absolute value of the entered difference is less than or equal to the allowed tolerance value.
- Reconciliation date
- Only shown for reconciliation or unreconciliation. It can be changed only in reconciliation mode. Today’s date will be defaulted by the system but you can change it here. The date cannot be a future date or earlier than the document date.
- Statement number
- Only shown for reconciliation or unreconciliation. It can be changed only in reconciliation mode. Mandatory entry. When you first enter this panel this field is blank. Enter a value which will be kept and used as default for the subsequent reconciliation transactions until you change it again.
- Transaction ref
- Mandatory entry. It can be changed only in change and reconcile modes. Displays the entered transaction reference for this transaction.
- Reason code
- Mandatory entry. It can be changed only in change and reconcile modes. Displays the reason code entered for this transaction. The code must exist in Work with Cash book reason codes.
- Text
- Displays entered text for the transaction.
- User
- Displays the user that entered this transaction.
Work with Cash book reconciliation, Connected entries (FSR46005)
This panel displays the transactions that are connected to the selected Cash book transaction, You reach this panel either from the initial Cash book reconciliation panel, by selecting the Connected entries option, or by using the Connected entries function key on the detail panel.
The transactions shown on this panel are of two different types, bank statement entry and difference entry. For each transaction the following information is shown:
- Type
This column displays if the transaction is a statement entry (STMT) or difference entry (DIFF). - Reconciliation date
- Accounting period
- Reconciled amount
This column displays the amount from the bank statement for statement entries and the difference between the new and the original amount on a difference entry. - Bank currency
- Statement
- Bank
- Displays the bank code for the original transaction.
- Period
- Displays the accounting period for the original transaction.
- Transaction ref
- Displays the entered transaction reference for this transaction.
- Document type/number
- Displays the document type and number for the original transaction.
- Document date
- Displays the document date on the original transaction.
- Bank amount
- Displays the original bank amount entered on the original transaction.
- Open amount
- Displays the amount left to reconcile on the original transaction.
Work with Cash book reconciliation, Related documents (FSR46008)
This panel displays the A/R and A/P transactions that are related to the selected Cash book transaction. You reach this panel either from the initial Cash book reconciliation panel, by selecting option Related documents, or by clicking Related documents on the detail panel.
On this panel you are also able to cancel settlements for the related A/R or A/P payment documents. See About cancelling settlements for an outline of what the system automatically performs during the cancellation process. For each transaction the following information is shown:
- Document type
- Document number
- Document date
- Accounting period
- Customer/Supplier
- Document amount
- Currency
Cancel | Select this option to cancel a Cash book entry. Note: This option is only valid for Cash book entries, having related A/R or A/P payment documents. The option is valid for documents that are entered as main settlement, or not settled at all, and that are not included in a payment proposal. |
Settled | Select this option to access the A/R and A/P transactions enquiry programs where you can view the existing settlements for a main settlement document related to the selected Cash book entry. |
Function keys
- Bank
- Displays the bank code for the original transaction.
- Period
- Displays the accounting period for the original transaction.
- Transaction ref
- Displays the entered transaction reference for this transaction.
- Document date
- Displays the document date on the original transaction.
- Bank amount
- Displays the original bank amount entered on the original transaction.
- Open amount
- Displays the amount left to reconcile on the original transaction.
Work with Cash book reconciliation, G/L update (FSR46011)
This panel is shown when you reconcile transactions with difference or unreconcile transactions that were originally reconciled with difference.
It is also shown if you are cancelling Cash book entries with related A/R or A/P payment transactions. See About cancelling settlements for an outline of what the system automatically performs during the cancellation process.
If only reconciliation differences are to be updated, you enter the parameters required for the G/L posting of the difference. The difference amount will be posted to the original control account and a difference account. The code for the pseudo account is created of a prefix, XCLE, and the bank code. The document type and number are inherited from the original transaction.
If only cancel transactions are to be updated, or such transactions together with reconciliation differences, you only need to enter the printer parameters to print the G/L transactions update reports.
- Batch number
- Only shown for reconciliation differences. Displays the batch number for the transaction.
- Accounting period
- The system defaults this field with the current period, but you can override this.
- Voucher type
- Enter a voucher type. The voucher numbering should be set to automatic and the Cash book reconciliation routine (CBMR) should be active on the voucher type.
- Voucher date
- The system defaults this field with today’s date, but you can override this.
Work with Cash book reconciliation, Cancel (FSR46012)
This panel appears if you select the Cancel option for a Cash book entry with A/R or A/P payment related documents valid for cancellation. See About cancelling settlements for an outline of what the system automatically performs during the cancellation process.
Here you enter the parameters and information for the creation/update of vouchers, documents and settlements in G/L, A/R, A/P and Cash book. The new Cash book and, if applicable, payment reversal transactions will be automatically created.
Note: If you are cancelling a Cash book entry which is coming from Work with A/P payment proposals and is found in the cheque inventory, then the related cheque transaction is changed to status (Cancelled) in the cheque inventory and the Cleared date is removed.
Tip: Click Settled on the Related documents panel to access the A/P and A/R transactions enquiry programs to view existing settlements for a document in order to check them before cancelling a Cash book entry.
- Bank
- Displays the bank code for the original transaction.
- Period
- Displays the accounting period for the original transaction.
- Transaction ref
- Displays the entered transaction reference for this transaction.
- Document date
- Displays the document date on the original transaction.
- Bank amount
- Displays the original bank amount entered on the original transaction.
- Open amount
- Displays the amount left to reconcile on the original transaction.
- Accounting period
- Enter the accounting period in which to post the cancelled settlement’s events, G/L transactions, new reverse payment documents and new Cash book entry. The current accounting period is defaulted by the system, but can be changed.
- Voucher type
- Mandatory entry. Enter a code for A/P or A/R payments/settlements from Work with voucher types. The voucher type must be valid for the routines CBMR, ARP/ARS or APP/APS. Note: If settlement cancellation is performed more than once, then the first entered voucher type will be displayed and cannot be changed.
- Voucher date
- Mandatory entry. Enter the voucher date for the reversal A/R or A/P documents and related G/L postings. The current date is defaulted by the system. The voucher date will also be the document date. Note: If settlement cancellation is performed more than once, then the first entered voucher date will be displayed and cannot be changed.
- Document type
- Enter the document type for the new reverse payment documents that the system will create for each one of the payment documents selected for cancellation. Note: If settlement cancellation is performed more than once, then the first entered document type will be displayed and cannot be changed.
New Cash book entry information
- Bank amount
- Displays the bank amount for the new Cash book entry that is to be created. The amounts from the documents selected for cancellation are added and retrieved to this field, which cannot be changed.
Exception: The amount in this field can be changed when the bank currency is not equal to the system currency and not all related documents are selected on the Related documents panel. Then the transaction currency amount of the selected transactions will be proposed and can be changed to the required bank amount.
- System amount
- Displays the bank amount in system currency.
- Transaction ref
- Mandatory entry. Enter the transaction reference for the new Cash book entry that will be created.
- Reason code
- Mandatory entry. Enter a Cash book reason code from Work with Cash book reason codes for the new entry that will be created.
- Value date
- Mandatory entry. The current date is defaulted, but can be changed.
- Text
- Here you can enter free text for the new Cash book transaction.