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Set up planning time parameters with DC1 Inventory Control installed

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When DC1 Inventory Control is installed, DC1 Distribution allows you to define several main warehouses and several satellite warehouses. The graphical description below illustrates this:


The main warehouse is known as the “Externally supplied warehouse”. In other words, the item/warehouse is supplied from a supplier.

Note: To make the main warehouse an “Externally supplied warehouse”, leave the Supplied from wh field blank in the Item file, Inventory information panel.

The satellite warehouse(s) is known as the “Internally supplied warehouse”. In other words the item/warehouse is supplied from another warehouse (could be the main warehouse or other satellite warehouse).

Note: To make the satellite warehouse an “Internally supplied warehouse”, complete the Supplied from wh field in the Item file, Inventory information panel.

The table below outlines where you define the different planning time parameters (i.e. from where they are retrieved):

Externally supplied warehouse Internally supplied warehouse
Administration time DIS control file DIS control file
Lead time Retrieved from the Item/Supplier file. Internal lead time from Item file (Inventory information panel). Value retrieved from the “supplying” warehouse. (The “supplied from” warehouse is the “supplier” for the satellite.)
Transportation time Value is retrieved from the Supplier transport time table. The search for the correct value is done on 4 levels:

  1. Supplier/Warehouse/M.O.T
  2. Supplier/Warehouse/-
  3. Supplier/-/M.O.T
  4. Supplier/-/-
Value is retrieved from the Internal transport time table using the from-to warehouse and M.O.T.

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